Accounting N Name Description Date Director/ Operatorი Technical Description Studio Name Note
2-1277 / 7-196 \"Atsqurelebi\" In the last section, an ensemble of song and dance was filmed near Atsquri Fortress. Dance - \"Mtiuluri\", \"Gandagana\"; \"Simghera Atskurze\" 1972 Dir. M. Narimanishvili, L. Arzumanov Sound. Colourful Chron. Doc. Film Studio
2-394 / 7458 \"Apkhazeti - aqvavebuli mkhare\" In the last section, the Abkhaz song and dance Ensemble against the background of the dance \"Sharatini;\"; The following footage shows the dance of the elderly 1957 Dir. Sh. Chagunava Sound. Colourful Chron. Doc. Film Studio
2-1716 / 7-568 \"Atasobit koshkebis kveqana\" Ritual; Celebration \"Lichaanishi\", Adishi village, Perforemd Adishi\'s \"Jgragish\" (excerpt) 1980 Dir. Sh. Shonia, Z. Shanidze Sound. Colourful Chron. Doc. and Scien. Pop. Film Studio
7-215 Ensemble \"Kelaptari\" The film combines footage of the ensemble\'s work in different years
7-231 / 7-349 Ensemble \"Kelaptari\" Concert 1995
2-404 / 7-684 Abkhazian decade Dance of Abkhaz children, in the small hall of Rustaveli Theatre; Final concert at the Opera and Baleti Theatre. Dance - \"Kartuli\", performed by Pirtskhalava and Kakabadze; \"Abkhazuri Masobrivi Tsekva\" performed by the Children\'s Enemble; Abkhaz Couple Dance, performed by Tsargushi, Agirdzba; Choreographic etude - \"Tsqarostan\"\" 1957 Dir. Sh. Chagunava Sound Chron. Doc. Film Studio
2-402 / 7-938 \"Aqvavebuli Georgia\" There is Sukhishvili dance \"Khanjluri\" (excerpt) in the last part 1957 Dir. S. Dolidze Sound. Colourful Chron. Doc. Film Studio
7-351 / 7-902 Ensemble \"Chakrulo\" in France Footage from children\'s ensemble tours 1990
7-903 / 7-352 Ensemble \"Chakrulo\" in Leningrad Footage from children\'s ensemble tours 1996
7-346 / 7-899 Ensemble \"Chakrulo\" Rustavi Fortress Perform folk songs
VHS 348 / 7-899 The 10th anniversary of Ensemble \"Chakrulo\", Ensemble \"Pazisi\" Concert 1998
2-1697 / 7-1529 \"Achara dghes\" The film shows \"Khorumi\" and \"Gandagana\" performed by locals 1980 Dir. J. Chichinadze Sound. Colourful Chron. Doc. and Scein. Pop. Film Studio
2-983 / 7-1343 \"Akhali mijna\" The film depicts an excerpt from Sukhishvili\'s tour; 2) The ensemble performs Ossetian dance 1971 Dir. G. Vepkhvadze Silent State Committee of Television and Radio Broadcasting
7-354 / 7-905 Song and dance ensemble of Abkhazia Concert in Tbilisi Concert Hall (Philharmonic). Head of choir J. Qolbaia
2-165 Abkhazia There is an Abkhaz ensemble on stage, old singers perform the song - \"Azamati\"; Dancing children with the elderly; Dancing young girls with the elderly. Dir. G. Kavlelishvili Georgian TV Films Studio
2-176 Akhali Svaneti Perkhuli is performed, the man plays a folk instrument, a joint dance 1939 Dir. V. Alavidze Sound Work of the Georgian Film Chronicle
2-198 Aqvavebuli Apkhazeti The choir of Abkhaz singers performs a Megrelian song, Head: Kitsi Gegechkori 1941 Dir. I. Kandelaki September work of the Tbilisi Film Studio Chronicle
2 - \'2187 Martve Ensemble of boys at the Tbilisi Artistic Education House, Head: Anz. Erkomaishvili. 1980 Scheduled Concert Program. Perform Georgian folk songs 1980 Dir. Z. Kakabadze Sound
2-404 / 7-684 Abkhazian Decade in Tbilisi Dance of Abkhaz children; Dance \"Kartuli\", performing: Pirtskhalava and Kakabadze; Joint dance of Abkhaz children; Abkhaz thumb dance is performed by: Tsarbush and Alitsba; Women\'s dance - \"Tsqaltan\" 1957 Dir. Sh. Chagunava Sound
2-1385 Concert of freindship Dancers in the village of Natanebi perform a dance - \"Partsa\" (Perkhuli); Dancers of the Adjara Song and Dance Ensemble perform - \"Gandagana\", Director - Enver Khabadze; dance \"Gazapkhuli\", \"Tsqatostan\"; Belarusian comedy danceBelarusian Dance Dance, Comedy Dance \" Lelo\", \"Khorumi\", Dance \"Korobenik\", \"Mtiuluri\" 1972 Dir. Z. Kakabadze Sound Telefilm Studio
2-556 Musical journey The dance \"Mtiuluri\" is performed by the State Ensemble of Song and Dance of Georgia, head. Sukhishvili, Ramishvili 1961 Dir. O. Gurgenidze Chron. Doc. Scien. Pop. Film StudioChron. Doc. Scien. Pop. Film Studio
2-377 Eighth Republican Olympics Borjomi district Ensemble performs dance - \"Mtsqemsuri\"; Ensemble of song and dance of the Gori Baratashvili Pedagogical Institute performs the dance - \"Kartuli\"; The choir of the Culture House of Dusheti performs the song \"Tialo Darialao\" and the dance - \"Mtiuluri\"; The choir of the Culture House of Sagarejo District performs a song abou the homeland, the song on Chonguri; The South Ossetian choir performs the dance - \"Narnari\", soloists: Jioeva and Tedeeva; Makharadze (Ozurgeti) district Ensemble performs the dance - \"Kalmakhoba\"; Qazbegi district Ensemble performs the song \"Modi kalo chemtana\", accompanied by a dance; The Oriental instrument ensemble of the Culture House of Marneuliat the house performs the song \"Jujalari\", music by Gusseinli, performed by Gudaeva; The Abkhaz ensemble performs the dance - \"Shejibri\", the participants of the Olympics jointly perform the anthem. 1954 Borjomi district Ensemble performs Sound \"Georgian Film\" Studio
2-982 Mshvidobis droshit (1946-52tsts) Performing the dance - \"Kartuli\" Dir. A. Ninua Georgian TV Film Studio
2-1772 Chronicle of friendship Giorgi Salukvadze talks about cultural issues; Various ensembles of song and dance participate in the concert; Giorgi Salukvadze\'s choir; Ukrainian dance ensemble performs Ukrainian dances 1982 Dir. M. Salukvadze Sound Doc. Film Studio
2-1384 Mgheris da tsekvavs sinatle The film is dedicated to self-operating ensembles in Tbilisi; Ensemble head D. Kvachantiradze and choreographer - M. Lomtatidze; The song- \"Odoya\", the dance - \"Gandagana\" and the song \"Shakalenok\" (Sisa Tura) are performed 1975 Dir. L. Sikharulidze Sound
2-857 Okeaneebs shoris, Ekvators gaghma - Brazilia Rehearsal of Sukhishvili in the city of Quito and “Monata tsekva\" performed by the locals, Sukhishvili performs the dance - \"Parikaoba\" 1968 Dir. G. Asatiani Sound Chron. Doc. Sam. Pop. Film Studio
2-1864 Ostati Mikheil Adamashvili prepares Duduki; Meduduka Ensemble of Duduki players \"Kavkasioni\" 1983 Dir. Ir. Asatiani Sound Geo. Sam. Pop. and Doc. Film Studio
2-1098 / 7-1831 Mitsa Kartuli Song - \"Tsangala da gogona\" accompanied by dance; Wrestling tunes 1968 Dir. T. Goshadze Sound \"Georgian Film\" Studio
2-1784 / 7-1838 Students are singing Student choir led by Iuza Kublashvili performs chant and \"Garekakhuri sachidao\" 1978 Dir. G. Gabelia Sound Georgian TV Film Studio
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