Foundation N Name of the Foundation Record N Case N Document Name Date Number of Pages Note
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1959, chancellery
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 181 Resolutions and orders of the Ministry of Culture of the Georgian SSR concerning the development of folk creativity. 12.07-12.12.1961 18
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 182 Minutes of the Art Council meeting of Folk Creative Republican House. 06.01-17.10.1961 12
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 183 Report card by Republican House about the performed works in 1960-1961 of the artistic self-operating trade union circles 27.03.61 7
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 184 List of members of the Arts Council of the Folk Creative Republican House of the Georgian SSR and sections of the musical, theatrical, choreographic and fine arts. 13.09.61 5
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 185 Excerpts from newspapers about the development of folk self-action in Georgia. 03.01-01.07.1961 56
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 186 Minute N5 of the meeting of the organizing committee of the IX Republican Olympics of artistic self-action on April 24, 1961 on the results of the N5 Olympics. 24.04.1961 44
130 Folk Creative Republican House Organizational department
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 187 1961 work plan of the Folk Creative Republican House of the Georgian SSR. 1961 48
130 Folk Creative Republican House 188 1961 work report of the Folk Creative Republican House of the Georgian USSR. 1961 44
130 Folk Creative Republican House 189 1961 work report of the House of Folk Creativity of the Abkhazian SSR. 1961 10
130 Folk Creative Republican House 190 1961 work report of the House of Folk Creativity of the Acharian ASSR 1961 27
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 191 1961 work report of the House of Folk Creativity of South Ossetia. 1961 9
130 Folk Creative Republican House 191ა Recommended list of the 1961 repertoire of artistic self-operating collectives. 1961 8
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1962, chancellery
130 Folk Creative Republican House 192 Resolutions of the Council of Trade Unions of Georgia, which refer to issues of development of folk creativity. 12.02-13.04.1962 6
130 Folk Creative Republican House 193 Order No. 34 of the Ministry of Culture of the Georgian SSR of April 16, 1962 16.04.1962 4
130 Folk Creative Republican House 194 Minutes of the meeting of the Art Council of the Folk Creative Republican House, copy I 08.01-15.07.1962 13
130 Folk Creative Republican House 195 Minutes of the meeting of the artistic council of Folk Creative Republican, copy II 08.01-15.07.1962 13
130 Folk Creative Republican House 196 Methodical instructions for conducting a song and dance festival in 1962. 16.04.62 5
130 Folk Creative Republican House Organizational department.
130 Folk Creative Republican House 197 Resolution No. 9 of the Board of the Ministry of Culture and the Regulation on holding the competition. 04.07.62 6
130 Folk Creative Republican House 198 Resolution and Regulation of the Republican Council of Trade Unions on Republican Inspection. 15.11.62 5
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 199 Materials on the republican inspection of artistic self-action of the Georgian SSR / resolution, minute, plan, information, posters, etc. / 15.11.62-01.07.63 155
130 Folk Creative Republican House 200 1962 work plan of the House of Folk Creativity. 1962 42
130 Folk Creative Republican House 203 1962 work report of the House of Folk Creativity 1962 38
130 Folk Creative Republican House 204 1962 work report and 1963 work plan of the Folk Creative House of the Abkhazian ASSR 1962-1963 10
130 Folk Creative Republican House 205 1962 work report and 1963 work plan of the Folk Creative House of the Acharian ASSR 1962-1963 22
130 Folk Creative Republican House 206 1961 work report of the House of Folk Creativity of South Ossetia 1962 12
130 Folk Creative Republican House 207 The repertoire of the 1962-1963 season of the Russian Folk Theater of the House of Folk Creativity of Achara. 1962 2
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