Accounting Unit number Storing Unit Number Production Number Production Number Author of music and lyrics Performer, Speaker Time and place of record Receiver organization, date of delivery Insurance Fund Record duration= Record speed
1 1 4 Simghera Tbilisze Music by Davitashvili Children\'s Choir Radio of Georgia 6.01.55 Year Georgian Radio Committee, 1964 sp-323 2\'30\'\' 76,0
2 1 7 Dideba belads Folk Samtredia district singers\' choir 20.02.1954 Georgian Radio Committee, 1964 sp-319/1 1\'45\'\' 76,0
3 1 8 Sakartvelo - brdzenis deda Folk Samtredia district singers\' choir 22.02.1954 Georgian Radio Committee, 1964 sp-321 2\'10\'\' 76,0
4 1 9 Ave, Maria Symphony orchestra. A singer woman 22.02.1954 Georgian Radio Committee, 1967 sp340 5\'15\'\' 19,0
5 1 10 Simghera Tsulukidzeze Folk Self-operating ensemble of Tsulukidze district\'s silk factory. Head: Bakhtadze 23.05.1954 Georgian Radio Committee, 1964 sp-320 2\'30\'\' 76,0
6 1 11 Simghera mshvidobaze Folk Self-operating ensemble of Tsulukidze district\'s silk factory. Head: Bakhtadze 20.02.1954 Georgian Radio Committee, 1964 sp-322 2\'00\'\' 76,0
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