Accounting N Name Description Date Director/ Operatorი Technical Description Studio Name Note
2 - 20 39 Tushetian recordings The girls play on Accordion; Tush dance; Girls dance 1987 Dir. J. Chichinadze Sound სამ. პოპ Doc. Film Studio
2- 20 89 Again on tours Tour of the choreographic ensemble of Tbilisi 3rd Experimental School in Austria. The film shows the dances performed by the ensemble 1988 Dir. M. Salukvadze Sound The chronicler
2- 20 46 The tradition continues 2nd Union Festival of Folk Art; The film features choreographic ensembles of veteran dancers, Batumi Pioneer Park, Shuakhevi and Khulo; The footage includes: Tamaz Jakhutashvili, Patma Kobaladze, Temel Mikeladze, Aliosman Davitadze 1987 Dir. J. Chichinadze Sound The chronicler
2-21 00 Tbilisoba - 87 \"Tsekva Kartuli\" and \"Kurtebis tsekva\" is performed 1987 Dir. J. Chichinadze Sound The chronicler
2-1885 Latavra Pochiani is dancing Conversation by Latavra Pochiani; during rehearsal; Dances with him as a soloist: \"Simdi\", \"Acharuli\", \"Khevsuruli\", \"Qarachogheli\", \"Tsekva Kartuli\" 1982 Dir. M. Borashvili Sound USSR. State Teleradio Georgian TelefilmUSSR. State Teleradio Georgian Telefilm
2 - 19 84 Preska Georgian Folk Dance State School – Studio Girl Ensemble. Choreographer - Mikheil Shubashikelი; Girls\' Dance; Performed: \"Simdi\", \"Acharuli\", \"Mukhambazi\", \"Mtiuluri\" 1983 Dir. Z. Kakabadze Sound USSR. State Teleradio Georgian Telefilm
2 - 19 96 Pshavi The film uses a Pshav melody on Pipe, Panduri, Accordion; The song of Pshavi labor, \"Gvrini\", \"Supruli\" - performed by the elderly; \"Perkhisa,\" Dolimer plays the Doli and a couple dances; The song is performed by Panduri 1981 Dir. M. Borashvili Sound USSR. State Teleradio Georgian Telefilm
2-943 we are inviting you to Georgia The dance \"Parikaoba\" is performed 1969 Dir. Sh. Khomeriki Sound Sam. Pop. Doc. Film Studio
2-818 TeleConcert Pioneer and Student Palace Educatee Perform Georgian Dances 1967 Sound Geo. Chron. Doc. and Sam. Pop. Film Studio
2-740 Grdzeli Ghighini The film stars Razhden Khukhunaishvili, Shalva Makharadze, Alistrakho Morchiladze, Gurika Tokhadze, Ladiko Gogelia, Gerasime, Parmen and Iordane Khukhunaishvili, Solo and Giorgi Pipaishvili; \"Jaqelis simghera\" is performed 1966 Dir. G. Kandelaki Sound Sam. Pop. Doc. Film Studio
2-334 Dimiti Araqishvili The film tells about Dimitri Araqishvili 1953 Dir. T. Abuladze Sound Tbilisi Filmstudio with the Order of Lenin
2-145 / 7-352 Shota Rustaveli Muskhi village of Akhaltsikhe district, on the lyrics of Vepkhistkaosani, local Ashugi performs the song with the accompaniment of Sazi 1938 Sound
7-906 / 7-355 Submission materials of Pazisi Ensemble Pazis Concert Performances
2-587 / 7-850 Rioni gorge Gia Japaridze Sings on Bagpipes 1962 Dir. Sh. Chagunava Sound Chron. Doc. And Scien. Pop. Films Studio
2-1 / 7-265 Akaki\'s journey Racha-Lechkhumi Perkhuli in Barakoni, in the courtyard of the heirs of Racha Eristavi Rostomi; Big Perkhuli, Akaki Tsereteli in the center 1912 Dir. V. Amashukeli Silent
2-30 / 7-1329 Acharistani \"Momgheralta gundi da motsekvaveebi\" - Dance \"Kartuli\", Song-Perkhuli \"Tamar Dedpal\", Dance \"Osuri\" Sound
2-1007 / 7-1743 Georgian dances in Makharadze district Children\'s Choreographic Ensemble of the Teacher\'s House in the city of Makharadze. Head Kako Kakhiani. Dance: \"Khorumi\", \"Davluri\", \"Gandagana\", \"Qazbeguri\", Perkhuli \"Partsakuku\" Sound
2-1011 / 7-1666 Georgian wedding In parallel with the wedding, excerpts of Georgian folk songs and dances are performed 1970 Sound
2-1658 / 7-988 13 days in Sweden Children\'s Choreographic Ensemble Tour in Sweden 1979 Sound Geo. Sam. Pop. and Doc. Film Studio
2-1179 / 7-564 Khevsureti - \"10 years in the USSR Excerpts from Khevsur dances 1970 Dir. O. Gurgenidze Sound Geo. Sam. Pop. and Doc. Film Studio
2-195 / 7-191 Autumn in Kakheti Vintage in Kakheti, \"Shairebi\" are performed; Kakhetian dance footage 1941 Dir. I. Kandelaki Sound Tbilisi Chronicle Film Studio Sector
2-362 / 7-322 Georgian folk dances State Ensemble of Dance, Head N. Ramishvili and I. Sukhishvili. Performed: \"Perkhuli\", dance \"Kartuli\" (Sol. Ramishvili, Sukhishvili), \"Khorumi\", \"Samaia\", \"Parikaoba\",\"Kakhuri tsekva\", \"Svanuri tsekva\", \"Lezginka\" 1954 Dir. T. Abuladze and R. Chkheidze Sound Studio \"Georgian Film\"
2-2186 Georgian folk poetry Evening of Georgian Folk Poetry, Host Vakhushti Kotetishvili 1980 Dir. G. Levashov-Tumanishvili, T. Shaishmelashvili Sound Geor. Telefilms Studio
2-1528 Concert of Georgian art masters 1) Z. Paliashvili choir and dance \"Kartuli\"; 2) ა)Svanetian Perkhuli - performed by the choir, headed by Anzor Kavsadze; ბ) Ensemble \"Rustavi\" - \"Namgluri\", Head: Anz. Erkomaishvili; 7) \"Satsekvao suita\" - performed by ensemble headed by Ramishvili and Sukhishvili 1970 Dir. Z. Kakabadze Sound Geor. Telefilms Studio
2-816 TeleConcert \"Tsekva Kartuli\" A dancing woman and a man perform the dance \"Kartuli\", near Metekhi Fortress. 1967 Geo. Chron. Doc. and Sam. Pop. Film Studio
2-118 Victory and celebration 15th anniversary of the Autonomous Republic of Achara; Acharian dances are performed 1936 Dir. Sh. Khomeriki The Work of the Georgian Film Chronicle
2-638 / 7-51 გ.ფ. Meeting with Greece Georgian dances - \"Samaia\", \"Narnari\", \"Parikaoba\" are performed at the beginning and at the end 1964
2- 8 0 0 0 Georgian melodies The vocal octet performs the song \"Kalgulo\"; Ensemble of Pioneers performs the dance - \"Qazbeguri\", Sukhishvili Ensemble performs dances - \"Khevsuruli\" and \"Alvanuri\" 1967 Dir. Z. Kakabadze Sam. Dok. Film Studio
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