Accounting N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
454 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tsalenjikha district 1954 Album 434
455 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tsalenjikha district 1954 Album 434
456 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tsalenjikha district 1954 Album 434
457 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tsalenjikha district 1954 Album 434
458 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tsalenjikha district 1954 Album 434
459 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tsalenjikha district 1954 Album 434
460 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tsalenjikha district 1954 Album 434
461 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tsalenjikha district 1954 Album 434
462 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tsqaltubo district 1954 Album 434
463 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tsqaltubo district 1954 Album 434
464 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tsqaltubo district 1954 Album 434
465 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tsqaltubo district 1954 Album 434
466 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Khashuri district 1954 Album 434
467 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Khashuri district 1954 Album 434
468 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Khashuri district 1954 Album 434
469 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Khashuri district 1954 Album 434
470 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Khobi district 1954 Album 434
471 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Khobi district 1954 Album 434
472 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Khobi district 1954 Album 434
473 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Khobi district 1954 Album 434
474 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tsiteltsqaro district 1954 Album 434
475 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tsiteltsqaro district 1954 Album 434
476 Closing of the 8th Olympics of Artistic self-action of Georgia 1954 Album 434
477 Presenters of the 8th Olympics of Artistic self-action of Georgia 1954 Album 434
478 Presenters of the 8th Olympics of Artistic self-action of Georgia 1954 Album 434
479 Presenters of the 8th Olympics of Artistic self-action of Georgia 1954 Album 434
480 Presenters of the 8th Olympics of Artistic self-action of Georgia 1954 Album 434
481 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Exhibition of Fine Arts at the Olympics 1954 Album 434
482 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Exhibition of Fine Arts at the Olympics 1954 Album 434
483 The 8th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Exhibition of Fine Arts at the Olympics 1954 Album 434
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