Accounting N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
83 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Mtskheta district Album 436
84 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Oni district Album 436
85 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Orjonikidze district Album 436
86 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Sagarejo district Album 436
87 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Sagarejo district Album 436
88 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Samtredia district Album 436
89 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Sachkhere district Album 436
90 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Sighnaghi district Album 436
91 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tqibuli district Album 436
92 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Qazbegi district Album 436
93 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Qvareli district Album 436
94 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Chkhorotsqu district Album 436
95 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Chokhatauri district Album 436
96 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Chokhatauri district Album 436
97 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tsageri district Album 436
98 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tskhakaia district Album 436
99 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tsalenjikha district Album 436
100 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tsqaltubo district Album 436
101 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Khobi district Album 436
102 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Khashuri district Album 436
103 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Tsiteltsqaro district Album 436
104 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Closing of the Olympics Album 436
Album 449
3 A group of teachers and students of the State Conservatoire. Teacher T. Mumladze and Professor L. Shiukashvili, A. Chijavadze E. Zhitkovskaya and others 1938-48 Tbilisi G.Zhvania Album 449
4 A group of teachers and students of the State Conservatoire. S.Gabunia, G.Tatakishvili, A.Chijavadze, E.Zhitkovskaya 1940-41 Tbilisi Album 449
51 Student Erkomaishvili of Zakaria Paliashvili Music School Tbilisi Album 449
Album 450
20 The first republican festival of the youth of Georgia. Performance of the dance Mebadurta Tsekva by artistic self-operating collective of the culture house of Poti 1957 Tbilisi Photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency Album 450
21 The first republican festival of the youth of Georgia Dance Kartuli 1957 Tbilisi Photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency Album 450
23 The first republican festival of the youth of Georgia. Dancer of the Central House of Culture of Labor Reserves N. Kirvalidze N. Chikobava during the performance of the dance Kartuli 1957 Tbilisi Photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency Album 450
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