Accounting N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
55 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dancer Z.Chkadua and G.Vashakidze 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
56 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dancer G.Kasradze 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
57 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dance Sharatini 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
58 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Stalin Choir of singers of Kochari village of Ochamchire district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
59 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the collective farming of Duripshi village of Gudauta districtი 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
60 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Hero of Socialist Labor T.Tarba and Deputy of the Supreme Council G.Ardzinba 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
61 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Hero of Socialist Labor T.Tarba and Deputy of the Supreme Council G.Ardzinba 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
62 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of Gudauta district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
63 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Gagra district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
64 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dance Sharatini 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
65 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Choir of singers of Batumi teacher\'s house 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
66 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Choir of singers of Batumi teacher\'s house 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
67 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of Batumi club 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
68 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Ensemble of Chonguri players of Acharcombineunion club 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
69 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Khundadze, the hero of socialist labor 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
70 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dance Khorumi 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
71 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dance Gandagana performed by M.Longurashvili and M.Garakidze 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
72 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Stalin Song and Dance Ensemble of Batumi Salibauri Soviet Tea Farm 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
73 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and Dance Ensemble of the culture house of Kobuleti district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
74 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dance group of the collective farming of Tskhmorisi of Keda district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
75 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dance group of the culture house of Khulo 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
76 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dance Tambakos Krepa 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
77 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dancer T.Meladze 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
78 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dancer E.Zoidze 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
79 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dancer I.Meladze 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
80 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Rostom Jimsheradze, the player on Chiboni 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
81 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Group of Dancer 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
82 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Group of dancers of Stalinir city house of culture 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
83 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Head V.Jatiev 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
84 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dance Shejibri 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
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