Accounting N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
65 Maro Tarkhnishvili, Participant in the Olympics with the group 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
66 Ishkhneli sisters, Participants in the Olympics 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
67 Academic group, Participant in the Olympics, headed by Kirile Pachkoria 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
68 Participants in the Olympics from the group of kirile Pachkoria 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
69 Osman Kakhidze, Doli (Doli) player, Participant in the Olympics 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
70 Participant in the Olympics, best performer of Armenian folk songs M. Mkrtichian 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
71 Shoghik Mkrtichian, Participant in the Olympics 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
72 Group of collective farming Participant in the Olympics/Azerbaijan/ 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
73 Participant in the Olympics player on Stviri/Armenia/ 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
74 Participant in the Olympics, Cuba district, ASSR 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
75 Player of Tari participant in the Olympics from the ensemble of Sh. Mkrtichian 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
76 Member of Sh.Mkrtichian ensemble 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
77 Music ensemble head by Sh. Mkrtichian 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
78 Sh.Mkrtichian ensemble member participating in the Olympics 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
79 Music ensemble /East/ Akhaltsikhe, Solo on Santur 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
80 Eastern ensemble on stage 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
81 Ensemble of Chonguri players participating in the Olympics, headed by Avksenti Megrelidze 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
82 Participants in the Olympics, Chonguri players 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
83 Participants in the Olympics, young musicians, from Women\'s Eastern Orchestra of Azerbaijani 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
84 Chonguri with a wooden stick 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
85 Participants in the Olympics, Chonguri players 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
86 Participant in the Olympics, musician from Armenia, accompanied by Shulur 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
87 Participant in the Olympics, Kamancha player 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
88 Participant in the Olympics, ensemble of Chonguri players headed by Akvsenti Megrelidze 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
89 Participant in the Olympics, head of esnemble of Chonguri players Akvsenti Megrelidze 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
90 Participant in the Olympics, two-story Perkuli Performs the group headed by Erkomaishvili. 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
91 Participants of the Olympics, Acharian collective farmers perform Khorumi 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
92 The group of Erkomaishvili brothers participating in the Olympics performs Khorumi 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
93 Dance of the wounded Khorumi 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
94 Dancers participating in the Olympics perform Mosiskhleebis Tsekva /Abkhazia/ 1934 Tbilisi Album 43
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