Accounting N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
85 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dance Shejibri 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
86 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dancer V.Tadvaev 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
87 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dancer R.Jioeva and Jatiev 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
88 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dancer R.Jioeva 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
89 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Group of dancers of the Stalinir House of South Ossetia Autonomous Oblast 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
90 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Head of Group of dancers, G.Tedeev 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
91 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Znauri district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
92 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Choir of singers of the collective farming of Roki village of Java district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
93 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Singer woman 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
94 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Singer Z.Gusalova 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
95 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of Kutaisi city house of culture 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
96 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Japaridze is reading a poem 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
97 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dance Davluri 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
98 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of Kutaisi Automobile Plant House 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
99 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Choir of singers of Kutaisi Railway Junction 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
100 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and Dance Ensemble of Gori Teacher\'s House 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
101 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dance Kartuli performed by K.Tsereteli and A.Lobzhanidze 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
102 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Singer T.Gogoladze 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
103 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Gori district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
104 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of Rustavi city house of culture 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
105 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dance Davluri 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
106 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. artistic gymnastics 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
107 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Chiatura 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
108 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Chiatura 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
109 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dance Davluri 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
110 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Choir of singers of Tqibuli Lenin-Stalin Mines and the choir of Georgian Folk Instruments 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
111 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Tqibuli district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
112 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of Poti city house of culture 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
113 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dance Tseruli 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
114 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and Dance Ensemble of Telavi Teacher\'s House 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
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