Accounting N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
235 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. N.Tsiklauri, player of Chonguri 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
236 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Chkhorotsqu district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
237 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dancer V.Qalichava 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
238 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Singers Dgebuadze and Dzigua 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
239 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Tsageri district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
240 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Tsageri district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
241 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Tsalenjikha district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
242 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Hero of socialist labor L. Kilava 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
243 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Khobi district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
244 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Kareli district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
245 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Heroes of Socialist Labor G.Chanturia and D.Kulua 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
246 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dance Kartuli, performed by K.Natsvlishvili and G.Kvrivishvili 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
247 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. სასოფლო სამეურნეო ინსტიტუტის მუხრანის სასწავლო-საცდელი მეურნეობის მომღერალთა გუნდი 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
248 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Russian choir of singers of the culture house of Gardabani district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
249 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Georgian choir of singers of the culture house of Gardabani district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
250 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Azerbaijani choir of singers of the culture house of Gardabani district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
251 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the collective famring of Asureti village of Tetritsqaro district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
252 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Adigeni district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
253 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dance Kartuli, performed by G.Goglidze and B.Gegeshidze 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
254 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Adigeni district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
255 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Aspindza district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
256 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Adigeni district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
257 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dance Kartuli, performed by T.Piralishvili and A.Popiashvili 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
258 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Bolnisi district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
259 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Vani district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
260 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Heroes of socialist labor V. Bregvadze and A. Gabrichidze 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
261 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Terjola district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
262 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Dance Davluri 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
263 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Song and dance ensemble of the culture house of Kachreti district 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
264 The 7th Olympics of artistic self-action of Georgia. Heroe of socialist labor D.Makaridze 1951 Tbilisi Album 540
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