Accounting N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
97 People\'s Artist Kote Potskhverashvili /1820-1959/ Tbilisi Album 1006
104 Composer Dimitri Araqishvili Tbilisi Album 1006
Album 1011
25 Members of Group of dancers Kardenakhi Album 1011
26 Perfromance of the members of Gurjaani Dancers\' Club Kardenakhi Album 1011
27 Performance of club members of Gurjaani district Kardenakhi Album 1011
28 Performance of club members of Gurjaani district Mukuzani Album 1011
29 Children\'s exhibition of the city of Yerevan / part/ 1954-55 Album 1011
33 Song and Dance Ensemble of the School #41 of city of Kirovakan 1955-56 Album 1011
34 Performance of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the School #41 of city of Kirovakan 1955-56 Album 1011
35 Performance of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the School #41 of city of Kirovakan 1955-56 Album 1011
36 Performance of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the School #41 of city of Kirovakan 1955-56 Album 1011
37 Performance of the drama circle of Gurjaani district 1955-56 Album 1011
38 Performance of the drama circle of Gurjaani district 1955-56 Album 1011
39 Performance of the members of the club of Gurjaani district 1955-56 A.Vorotonsky Album 1011
40 Shroma Village. Performance of V.Natsvlishvili and G.Shiashvil 1955-56 Album 1011
42 Performance of song and dance ensemble of school of Leninakan 1954-55 Budeshsky Album 1011
45 Ensemble performance at the City Olympics 1954-55 Budeshsky Album 1011
46 Ensemble of folk instruments of the Yerevan Railways School #36 1954-55 Budeshsky Album 1011
47 Folk art collective at EkV Zh.D. Victory Monument 6.11.1959 Yerevan D.Samkharadze Album 1011
Album 1019 D.Samkharadze
6 School holiday with Georgian folk moving games. Parade of participants 1950 October Tbilisi Album 1019
7 School holiday with Georgian folk moving games. Parade of participants 1950 October Tbilisi Album 1019
8 School holiday with Georgian folk moving games. Parade of participants 1950 October Tbilisi Album 1019
11 School holiday with Georgian folk moving games. Parade of participants. Parade of participants. Georgian folk moving game Sakhreoba is performed by the 4th grade of the 13th women\'s school 1950 October Tbilisi Album 1019
12 School holiday with Georgian folk moving games. Parade of participants. Parade of participants. Voting before the strat of the Georgian folk moving game Asvla-Chasvla. The referee, a physical culture teacher - B. Korkovidov 1950 October Tbilisi Album 1019
13 School holiday with Georgian folk moving games. Parade of participants. Parade of participants. Voting the Georgian folk moving game Asvla-Chasvla. Held with the participation of students of the 6th grade of the 11th boys\' school 1950 October Tbilisi Album 1019
14 School holiday with Georgian folk moving games. Parade of participants. Parade of participants. The game Tsre-Burti. Students of the 6th grade of the 11th school of participant boys 1950 October Tbilisi Album 1019
15 School holiday with Georgian folk moving games. Parade of participants. Parade of participants. The game Kudis Tsartmeva, with the participation of the students of 4th grade of the 11th boys\' school 1950 October Tbilisi Album 1019
16 School holiday with Georgian folk moving games. Parade of participants. Competition-Game Saqe-Burti with the participation of the students of 5th grade of the 12th and 13th school 1950 October Tbilisi Album 1019
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