Accounting N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
69 Famous collective farmer with order Aishe Gurgenidze, a participant of the orchestra of Chonguri players Album 67
72 The group of boys of Kutaisi School 14 headed by Kvitsaridze Album 67
Album 71
28 May 1, Dance in front of the Tribune Album 71
Album 89
1 Head of the Ensemble of Chonguri players A. Potskhverashvili Album 89
2 Head of the Song and Dance Ensemble A. Gorelova Album 89
10 Members of the N Legion Song and Dance Ensemble Album 89
16 Members of Gori ethnographic group headed by M.Kavsadze Album 89
17 Members of the self-operating circle of the ensemble of Chonguri players: Daushvili, Khatiashvili, Gurgenidze and others Album 89
18 Eastern ensemble led by Arutina Grigorian Album 89
20 Participants in the All-Georgian Olympics: Muchaidze, Daushvili, Minasashvili, Chabukiani, Khukhunaishvili Album 89
22 Participants in the 5th Olympics of all-Georgia: Otarashvili, Kasrashvili, Tsikoridze and others Album 89
26 Georgian National Folk Group /N Regiment / Participants in the Olympics Album 89
28 Performance of the Georgian National Ensemble at the Port of Poti, on the occasion of Election Day. Album 89
31 South Ossetian bard - E.Slanov Album 89
47 Participant in the Olympics Com.Grachia Album 89
Album 90
57 Fighters spend an hour of rest with playing a musical instrument, Accordion Album 90
58 Red Army fighters dance during the hour of rest Album 90
Album 109
33 Performers of the Georgian folk instrument Album 109
34 Member of the Georgian Folk Orchestra, 3rd Year Student Teimuraz Garsevanishvili Album 109
41 Comrade G. Kokeladze awards Japaridze, the head of the group of collective farming with the first prize. Album 109
58 Ukrainian folk dance headed by Nikolaev Album 109
60 Ukrainian folk dance Metelitsa headed by comrade Bidzinashvili Album 109
65 South Ossetian bard E. Slanov Album 109
70 Soloists of the South Ossetian ensemble: Gagloeva, Kharebova, Gabaeva, in the dance process Album 109
76 Performance of the N part Armenian ensemble Album 109
96 People\'s Poet of Turtkul, Minazh Matstapaev reads a poem among writers ფოტო ამოღებულია Album 109
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