Drawer Accounting N Document description Filming year Place of filming Author Note
Self-creation 48021 Tbilisi III Experimental School students dance Davluri 1977 Tbilisi G. Kikvadze
Self-creation 52534 Evening of Georgian folk poetry at the Philharmonic. Author-teller David Mchedluri 1979 Tbilisi V. Morgulov
Self-creation 7514/ф7 Ensemble \"Mkhedruli\" performance 1979 Tbilisi S. Edisherashvili
Self-creation 7160 Performance of Abesadze\'s choir. Reproduction 1979
Self-creation 48019 Soloist Girl of Tbilisi III Experimental School Choreographic Ensemble - Ketino Baramidze 1977 Tbilisi G. Kikvadze
Self-creation 81618-81621-?-81614-81616 Choreographic ensemble members before rehearsal, dance with Dairas 1989 Tbilisi G. Kikvadze
Self-creation 52535 Lela Tataridze\'s performance on the evening of Georgian folk poetry at the Philharmonic 1979 Tbilisi V. Morgulov
Self-creation 62614 Manana Dolishvili, soloist of the choreographic ensemble \"Tbilisi\" 1983 Tbilisi E. Eginov
Self-creation 69535-69537 Choreographic Society Ensemble \"Lileo\", fencing, singing with patskha 1985 Tbilisi
Self-creation 48020 III Experimental School Ensemble Choreographic Miniature \"Mkhedruli\" 1977 Tbilisi G. Kikvadze
Self-creation 48025 III Experimental School Ensemble \"Perkhuli\" 1977 Tbilisi G. Kikvadze
Self-creation 74593 Performance of ensemble \"Lileo\" 1987 Tbilisi M. Iakobashvili
Self-creation 35351/42 Young Georgian dancers 1972 Tbilisi G. Kikvadze
Self-creation 26504 Choreographic ensemble of Tbilisi 39th School. \"Mtiuluri\" is performed by Aleko Nikolaishvili 1971 Tbilisi G. Kikvadze
Self-creation 65326 Youth Ensemble \"Lileo\" 1984 Tbilisi V. Valishvili
Self-creation 48024 III Experimental School Ensemble. Soloist Irakli Kinkladze dances \"Kintauri\" 1977 Tbilisi G. Kikvadze
Self-creation 86720-86724 The Megrelian song is oerformed in the Opera House Hall, a choreographic ensemble participating in the concert 1990 Tbilisi B. Dvalishvili
Self-creation 81272-81273 Koro Katsiashvili Ensemble \"Tutarchela\" 1989 Tbilisi M. Kikvadze
Self-creation 33031 39th School Choreographic Ensemble, \"Mtiuluri\", soloist Zuriko Lolashvili 1972 Tbilisi G. Kikvadze
Self-creation 26505 39th School Ensemble Dance. Soloist Manana Chkheidze and Gia Chogoshvili 1972 Tbilisi G. Kikvadze
Self-creation 63357-63361 Photos of the choreographic ensemble \"Iveria\" 1983 Moscow A. Rukhadze
Self-creation 20594 Choreographic Ensemble 1969 Tbilisi
Self-creation 48023 Choreographic Ensemble Young Doli players 1977 Tbilisi G. Kikvadze
Self-creation 33010 Members of the 39th School Choreographic Ensemble 1972 Tbilisi G. Kikvadze
Self-creation 63161-63164 Performance of the choreographic ensemble \"Tsisartqela\" 1983 Tbilisi V. Petrosyan
Self-creation 74720 Ensemble \"Pazisi\" headed by J. Qolbaia 1987 Tbilisi G. Kikvadze
Self-creation 49447 Ensemble \"Pazisi\" 1978 Tbilisi E. Eginov
Self-creation 26772 Tqibuli District Ensemble 1971 Tqibuli I. Davitashvili
Self-creation 89635-89636 Folk instrument ensemble 1991 Tbilisi S. Qurashidze
Self-creation 88141-88142 Ensemble \"Kakheti\" 1990 Gurjaani A. Machavariani
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