Foundation N Name of the foundation Record N Case N Document name Date Number of pages Note
471 Tbilisi State University 21 1290 Work report of the Department of Folklore Studies of the academic year 1975/76 /in Georgian/ 1975/76 2
471 Tbilisi State University 21 1291 Work report of the Department of Folklore Studies of the academic year 1975/76 /in Russian/ 1975/76 2
471 Tbilisi State University 21 1292 Calculations of the academic work of the Department of Folklore Studies in the academic year 1975/76 1975/76 1
471 Tbilisi State University 21 1293 Work plan of Rustaveli\'s cabinet 1975/76 1
471 Tbilisi State University 21 1294 G. Tabidze Georgian Soviet Literary Cabinet Work Plan 1975/76 1
471 Tbilisi State University 21 1295 Work report of Vazha-Pshavela cabinet 1975/76 2
471 Tbilisi State University 21 1296 Toponymy laboratory work plan 1975/76 1
471 Tbilisi State University 21 1349 Work report of the Department of Folklore Studies 1976/77 3
471 Tbilisi State University 21 1350 Calculations of the academic work of the Department of Folklore Studies in the academic year 1976/77 1976/77 1
რ-1711 Historical-Ethnographic Museum of Jews of Georgia of the Committee for the Affairs of Cultural and Educational Institutions of Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR 1 36 Materials Akhaltsikhe expedition 1939 6
რ-1711 Historical-Ethnographic Museum of Jews of Georgia of the Committee for the Affairs of Cultural and Educational Institutions of Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR 1 85 Materials of the South Ossetian expedition 1947 22
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 2, Book 1 63 Materials about the tours of Sukhishvili and Ramishvili\'s ensemble abroad 1948 73 In Russian
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 2, Book 1 245 Report on the arrival of GDR composers and musicologists in Georgia 20.III.1955-23.III.1955 4 In Russian
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 2, Book 1 540 Report on the arrival of Scottish musicians in Georgia 22.IX.1962 - 25.IX.1962 3 In Russian
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 12 Javrishvili\'s article: \"Georgian National Ballet\" 1946/1947 296 In Russian (there are other documents in the case)
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 19 Article by P. Khuchua: \"Georgian music\" 1946 185 In Russian (there are other documents in the case)
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 20 Gr. Chkhikvadze: \"Georgian musical culture\" II.X-1946 In Russian (there are other documents in the case)
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 21 Chkhikvishvili: \"Georgian musical culture\" 1946 122
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 56 M. Chikovani: \"Georgian folk poetry\" I/7-47 77
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 70 About the tour of the National Ensemble of Georgian Song and Dance in Denmark (translations of articles and excerpts from Danish newspapers) 4/8-48/25/8-58
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 92 P. Khuchua: \"Meliton Balanchivadze\" 18.9.48 92
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 96 Essay: \"National Ensemble of Folk Dance\" 1948 6
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 102 Biographies of Georgian composers 30.4.1948 40
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 145 P. Khuchua: \"Georgian folk music\" 1949 125
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 159 History of Georgian music (in French) 1949 90
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 180 P. Khuchua: Tbilisi Music Life 22.X.53 - 27.X.53 64
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 181 P. Khuchua: The Art of Georgian Dance 30.X.53 - 8.XI.53 8
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 273 P. Khuchua: Music Culture in Soviet Georgia 27.VIII.55 - 29.VIII.55 1
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 291 Materials, art section on the work of the music group (protocols, reports, correspondence) 1955 204
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 298 Essay: \"Folk Art\" 15.V.56 - 18.V.56 9
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