Foundation N Name of the foundation Record N Case N Document name Date Number of pages Note
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 319 I. Kandelaki: \"On folk talents\"; I. Meskhi: \"Georgian folk dances\" 28.IX.56 - 2.X.56 10
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 335 D. Lezhava - tours of Polish musicians in Tbilisi; P. Khuchua: \"Georgian music\" 29.V.57 - 24.VI.57 1
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 347 P. Khuchua: \"Zakro Kalashvili\" 14.I.58 - 17.I.58 30
რ-1922 Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Record 1, Book 1 441 P. Khuchua: \"Georgian music\" (article) 14.IX.60 - 18.IX.60 7
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 7260 Editorial office of folk programs of television: materials of April and May programs 18.04. - 30.05. 1987 303
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 7261 Materials of May and June programs 01.05. - 24.06. 1987 242
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 7262 Materials of June programs 07.06. - 28.06. 1987 158
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 7263 Materials of July, August programs 02.07. - 30.08. 1987 220
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 7264 Materials of September, October programs 08.09.-24.10.1987 233
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 7265 Materials of November, December programs 02.11. - 31.12.1987 235
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 7512 Materials of January, February programs 01.01. - 28.02. 1988 153
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 7513 Materials of March programs 06.03. - 31.03.1988 202
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 7514 Materials of April programs 01.04. - 28.04.1988 129
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 7515 Materials of May programs 05.05. - 19.05. 1988 178
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 7516 Materials of July, August programs 03.07. - 27.08. 1988 220
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 7517 Materials of October, September programs 04.03. - 29.10.1988 135
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 7518 Materials of November, December programs 2.11 193
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 7854 Materials of January, February, March, April programs 01.01. - 25.04.1989 244
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 7855 Materials of May, April programs 08.05. - 25.06. 1989 238
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 7856 Materials of July, August programs 06.07. - 30.08. 1989 190
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 7857 Materials of Septe,ber, October programs 03.09. - 30.10. 1989 148
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 7858 Materials of November, December programs 01.11. - 31.12.1989 159
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 4249 Materials of January-March programs /Group of folk creativity/ 01.01. - 29.3. 1978 106
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 4531 Materials of January-April programsი /Group of folk creativity/ 01.01. - 21.06. 1979 178
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 4532 Materials of July-September programs /Group of folk creativity/ 03.07. - 27.09. 1979 173
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 4533 Materials of October-December programs /Group of folk creativity/ 06.10. - 31.12. 1979 215
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 4862 Materials of January-March programs /folk creativity/ 01.01 - 29.03. 1980 122
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 4863 Materials of April-May programs/folk creativity/ 17.04. - 14.05. 1980 161
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 4864 Materials of June-August programs /folk creativity/ 01.06. - 10.08 1980 151
რ-1978 Union-Republican State Committee of Radio Broadcasting and Television of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR Record 1. Book 5 4865 Materials of August-September programs /folk creativity/ 12.08. - 30.09. 1980 143
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