Foundation N Name of the Foundation Record N Case N Document Name Date Number of Pages Note
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 147 The Tale \"Vepkhistqaosanze\" narrated by V. Chkhaidze. 12.01.1941 5 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 148 The Tale \"Glekhi da Gveli\" recorded by G. Chkhaidze. Undated 6 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 149 The Tale \"Erti Tbiliseli Kintos Tavgadasavali Sparsetshi\" recorded by L. Tsirekidze. 12.03.1962 5 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 *Case N 150 - 177 Fairy Tales
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 150 Fairy Tales narrated by Gr. Abashidze, M. Aivazashvili, Sh. Aminashvili. 21.01.1962 Undated manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 151 Fairy Tales narrated and recorded by G. Bakashvili, S. Balakhashvili, D. Batiashvili, E. Baiashvili, V. Bakradze, M. Begiashvili, N. Begiashvili, S. Benashvili, I. Beselia, S. Berdzenishvili, L. Beridze, N. Beruashvili, T. Beruashvili, P. Bitsadze, Ip. Bliadze, A. Burdiashvili 21.02.1962-14.02.1963 131 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 152 Faity Tales narrated and recorded by L. Gabunia, G. Gaprinandshvili, S. Gamqrelidze, I. Gelashvili, E. Gejadze, R. Gigauri, A. Giorgobiani, An. Gikoshvili, E. Gogebashvili, D. Gogiashvili, L. Gogoladze, L. Gogsadze, I. Gogebashvili, G. Gogiashvili, An. Gogoladze. Dim. Gonashvili, S. Gokadze, P. Gigichaishvili, M. Gurchiani.. 20.01.1962-02.02.1963 87
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 153 Fairy Tales narrated by A. Davitiani, B. Datuashvili, D. Daudishvili, G. Dvalishvili, M. Dileli, G. Doborjginidze. 1962 01.02 1963 25 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 154 Fairy Tales recorded by Z. Varadashvili and L. Vashaqmadze. 1962 Undated 29 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 155 Fairy Tales narrated by M. Zakaidze, P. Zumbadze. 17.01.1961 Undated 5 manuscript, Machine-printed
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 156 Fairy Tales narrated by J. Tavartkiladze, P. Taltavadze. 01.02.1962 Undated 7 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 157 Fairy Tales narrated by Ar. Izoria, B. Inasaridze. 26.02.1962 Undated 9 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 158 Fairy Tales recorded by I. Iobidze. 1963 33 Machine-printed
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 159 Fairy Tales recorded and narrated by B. Kapanadze, T. Kakhurashvili, Ak. Kereselidze, S. Kiknavelidze, G. Kirvalidze, E. Kirtia. 15.10.1962 1963 23 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 160 Fairy Tales narrated by N. Laghidze, M. Liluashvili, D. Loladze, P. Lomidze, L. Lomsadze, Sh. Lortkipanidze, K. Lortkipanidze, K. Kursmanashvili.. 1956 01.06.1963 36 manuscript, Machine-printed
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 161 Fairy Tales narrated and recorded by B. Matitashvili, G. Maladze, A. Mamarlalishvili, N. Maghlakelidze, M. Maghradze, O. Machaidze, J. Merkviladze, M. Meurmishvili, Monadirashvili, T. Murusidze, A. Mchedlishvili. 02.02.1962 Undated 60 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 162 Fairy Tales narrated by D. Nadiradze, A. Nadirashvili, S. Nasqidashvili, S. Naqidashvili. 27.01.1963 Undated 33 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 163 Fairy Tales recorded by V. Okrochelidze, G. Orjonikidze. Undated 8 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 164 Fairy Tales narrated and recorded by U. Sabanidze, V. Sabiashvili, J. Sakandelidze, Gh. Salia, B. Sartania, I. Sirbiladze, S. Sulaberidze. 14.02.1962 20.02.1969 75 manuscript and Machine-printed
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 165 The Fairy Tale \"Mdidris Stsavlisatvis Mogzauroba\" narrated by A. Tqeshelashvili. Undated 5 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 166 Fairy Tales narrated by T. Ugulava, S. Uridia. Undated 10 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 167 Fairy Tales recorded by N. Parjanadze, M. Pirtskhalava, S. Pinadashvili. 05.02. 21.02 1962 8 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 168 Fairy Tales narrated and recorded by M. Kardava, D. Karukhnishvili, M. Kikava, M. Kikava, A. Koiava, A. Lobadia, J. Kokashvili. 21.02.1962 24 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 169 Fairy Tales recorded by G. Qambegashvili, K. Qulishvili. Undated 6 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 170 Fairy Tales recorded by Ek. Shamanauri, M. Shengelia, V. Shvelidze. Undated 5 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 171 Fairy Tales recorded and narrated by P. Chaduneli, P. Chachava, S. Chachashvili, D. Chigoevi, G. Chikava, D. Chugoshvili, G. Chkhartishvili, L. Chkhaidze, V. Chkheidze. 20.01.1962- 12.04.1963 61
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 172 Fairy Tales narrated by Sh. Tsertsvadze, L. Tsirekidze, R. Tsirekidze, Lav. Tsirekidze, M. Tskipurishvili, V. Tskhakaia. 03.02.1962 Undated 34 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 173 Fairy The Tale narrated by S. Dzuliashvili. Undated 2 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 174 Fairy The Tale narrated by T. Tsiklauri. Undated 4 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 175 Fairy Tales narrated by S. Chankotadze. Undated 3 manuscript
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