Foundation N |
Name of the Foundation |
Record N |
Case N |
Document Name |
Date |
Number of Pages |
Note |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
258 |
Fables recorded by S. Tarughov, N. Tobesashvili, Ak. Tqeshelashvili. |
03.02 10.03 1962 |
7 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
259 |
Fables recorded by T. Ugulava, El. Unapkoshvili. |
19.02.1962 Undated |
3 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
260 |
Fables narrated by M. Pirtskhalava, D. Pridonashvili. |
Undated |
6 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
261 |
Fables narrated by G. Kavtaradze, A. Katamadze, T. Kevkhishvili, Sh. Kistauri, J. Kokashvili, A. Koiava, M. Kokoshvili, P. Kochlishvili, A. Kurtsikidze. |
21.02 .1962 Undated |
18 |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
262 |
Fables recorded by L. Ghurtskaia. |
Undated |
1 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
263 |
Fables recorded and narrated by I. Qanashvili, B. Qveliashvili, P. Qoriauli, A. Quljaniashvili. |
24.01.1962 12.03.1963 |
13 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
264 |
Fables narrated by D. Shakarashvili, G. Shetekauri, B. Shvelidze, M. Shukakidze. |
09.11.1962 Undated |
7 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
265 |
Fables recorded by I. Chaduneli, K. Chachanidze, V. Chikvaidze, I. Chmtaia, K. Chikovani, D. Chidoshvili, G. Chopliani, L. Chubinidze, R. Chkhartishvili, G. Chkhaidze. |
19.02.1962 1964 |
21 |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
266 |
Fables narrated and recorded by A. Tsagareli, A. Tsetskhladze, N. Tsikolia, P. Tsinadze, L. Tsirekidze, T. Tsikhelashvili, U. Tsnobiladze, K. Tsutskiridze, E. Tskhrataveli. |
02.02.1962 23.02.1963 |
38 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
267 |
Fables narrated by A. Dzamukashvili, B. Dzidziguri. |
02.03.1962 Undated |
2 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
268 |
Fables narrated and recorded by O. chanturia, L. chanturia, I Chiboshvili, V. Chighladze, V. Chilokava, Mikh. Chochua, G. Cherelashvili. |
14.01 28.02 1962 |
21 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
269 |
Fables narrated and recorded by V. Khazaradze, J. Kharaishvili, Ir. Khachidze, L. Khelashvili, G. Khijakadze, B. Khizanishvili, D. Khmiadashvili, V. Khutsishvili. |
13.02.1962 14.03.1964 |
22 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
270 |
Fables recorded and narrated by D. Jadugishvili, M. Janashia, N. Javakhishvili, K. Janjulia, S. Jikia, D. Jishkariani, I. Jincharadze, B. Jikhvashvili, T. Jghamaia. |
1962 Undated |
21 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
*Case N 271, 272 Aphorisms |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
271 |
Aphorisms recorded by Al. Begiashvili. |
Undated |
1 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
272 |
Aphorisms recorded by V. Iremadze. |
Undated |
1 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
*Case N 273, 274 - Kapia |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
273 |
Kapia recorded by G. Gusharashvili |
Undated |
2 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
274 |
Kapia recorded by V. Khutsurauli. |
21.03.1962 |
1 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
*Case N 275-280 - Witty Sayings |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
275 |
Witty Sayings narrated by K. Buadze, G. Burchuladze. |
Undated |
7 |
manuscript, Machine-printed. |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
276 |
Wirry Sayings recorded by G. Giorgadze. |
Undated |
2 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
277 |
Witty Sayings recorded by O. Nikolaisvhili. |
Undated |
2 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
278 |
Witty Sayings recorded by G. Razmadze. |
25.01.1964 |
1 |
Machine-printed |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
279 |
Witty Sayings recorded Sh. Sulamanidze. |
Undated |
1 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
280 |
Witty Sayings recorded by T. Jagashvili, V. Javrishvili. |
Undated |
4 |
manuscript, Machine-printed |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
*Case N 281- 288 Shairi |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
281 |
Shairi \"Ushvilo Dzunts Sandro Diakvanze\" narrated by Sh. Datukishvili. |
15.03.1962 |
2 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
282 |
Shairi recorded by S. Eriashvili. |
10.02.1962 |
1 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
283 |
Shairi recorded by Ak. Kereselidze. |
Undated |
2 |
manuscript |