Foundation N Name of the Foundation Record N Case N Document Name Date Number of Pages Note
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 258 Fables recorded by S. Tarughov, N. Tobesashvili, Ak. Tqeshelashvili. 03.02 10.03 1962 7 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 259 Fables recorded by T. Ugulava, El. Unapkoshvili. 19.02.1962 Undated 3 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 260 Fables narrated by M. Pirtskhalava, D. Pridonashvili. Undated 6 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 261 Fables narrated by G. Kavtaradze, A. Katamadze, T. Kevkhishvili, Sh. Kistauri, J. Kokashvili, A. Koiava, M. Kokoshvili, P. Kochlishvili, A. Kurtsikidze. 21.02 .1962 Undated 18
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 262 Fables recorded by L. Ghurtskaia. Undated 1 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 263 Fables recorded and narrated by I. Qanashvili, B. Qveliashvili, P. Qoriauli, A. Quljaniashvili. 24.01.1962 12.03.1963 13 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 264 Fables narrated by D. Shakarashvili, G. Shetekauri, B. Shvelidze, M. Shukakidze. 09.11.1962 Undated 7 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 265 Fables recorded by I. Chaduneli, K. Chachanidze, V. Chikvaidze, I. Chmtaia, K. Chikovani, D. Chidoshvili, G. Chopliani, L. Chubinidze, R. Chkhartishvili, G. Chkhaidze. 19.02.1962 1964 21
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 266 Fables narrated and recorded by A. Tsagareli, A. Tsetskhladze, N. Tsikolia, P. Tsinadze, L. Tsirekidze, T. Tsikhelashvili, U. Tsnobiladze, K. Tsutskiridze, E. Tskhrataveli. 02.02.1962 23.02.1963 38 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 267 Fables narrated by A. Dzamukashvili, B. Dzidziguri. 02.03.1962 Undated 2 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 268 Fables narrated and recorded by O. chanturia, L. chanturia, I Chiboshvili, V. Chighladze, V. Chilokava, Mikh. Chochua, G. Cherelashvili. 14.01 28.02 1962 21 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 269 Fables narrated and recorded by V. Khazaradze, J. Kharaishvili, Ir. Khachidze, L. Khelashvili, G. Khijakadze, B. Khizanishvili, D. Khmiadashvili, V. Khutsishvili. 13.02.1962 14.03.1964 22 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 270 Fables recorded and narrated by D. Jadugishvili, M. Janashia, N. Javakhishvili, K. Janjulia, S. Jikia, D. Jishkariani, I. Jincharadze, B. Jikhvashvili, T. Jghamaia. 1962 Undated 21 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 *Case N 271, 272 Aphorisms
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 271 Aphorisms recorded by Al. Begiashvili. Undated 1 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 272 Aphorisms recorded by V. Iremadze. Undated 1 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 *Case N 273, 274 - Kapia
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 273 Kapia recorded by G. Gusharashvili Undated 2 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 274 Kapia recorded by V. Khutsurauli. 21.03.1962 1 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 *Case N 275-280 - Witty Sayings
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 275 Witty Sayings narrated by K. Buadze, G. Burchuladze. Undated 7 manuscript, Machine-printed.
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 276 Wirry Sayings recorded by G. Giorgadze. Undated 2 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 277 Witty Sayings recorded by O. Nikolaisvhili. Undated 2 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 278 Witty Sayings recorded by G. Razmadze. 25.01.1964 1 Machine-printed
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 279 Witty Sayings recorded Sh. Sulamanidze. Undated 1 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 280 Witty Sayings recorded by T. Jagashvili, V. Javrishvili. Undated 4 manuscript, Machine-printed
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 *Case N 281- 288 Shairi
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 281 Shairi \"Ushvilo Dzunts Sandro Diakvanze\" narrated by Sh. Datukishvili. 15.03.1962 2 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 282 Shairi recorded by S. Eriashvili. 10.02.1962 1 manuscript
45 Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) 2 283 Shairi recorded by Ak. Kereselidze. Undated 2 manuscript
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