Foundation N Name of the Foundation Record N Case N Document Name Date Number of Pages Note
2 Department of Art Affairs of the Council of Ministers of Georgia 2 293 The plan for holding the Fifth All-Georgia Republican Olympics of folk song and dance. 1938 8
2 Department of Art Affairs of the Council of Ministers of Georgia 2 292 Minutes of the Jury Session of the All-Georgian Fifth Republican Olympics of Folk Song and Dance regarding the results of the Olympics and awarding the best. 1937 7
2 Department of Art Affairs of the Council of Ministers of Georgia 2 294 Head of the Department of Art Affairs V. Gogua\'s letter to comrade ?????? regarding the ethnographic work carried out by the group in 1938 1938-1939 3
2 Department of Art Affairs of the Council of Ministers of Georgia 2 295 Materials regarding the works of the ensemble of female Chonguri players ??? correspondence, ???, ???, article. 1938-1949
2 Department of Art Affairs of the Council of Ministers of Georgia 2 376 Materials regarding the wandering musician Iliko Kurkhuli. Articles, excerpts from newspapers, report card. 1939-1949 16
2 Department of Art Affairs of the Council of Ministers of Georgia 2 525 Resolution of the February 7, 1941 session of the Executive Committee of the Gori District Council regarding improving the performance of the singers of the Gori Ethnographic Choir. 1941 1
5 The Main Committee of the Culture Union of Artists of All Georgia 1 10 Statements and petitions to the main artistic committee regarding the appointments of pensions to Georgian stage figures: M. Mdivani, A. Imedashvili, N. Gotsiridze and Gr. Iordanishvili and finding simultaneous help for Lolua 14.9-9.10. 1922 7
5 The Main Committee of the Culture Union of Artists of All Georgia 1 14 Correspondence with the People’s Commissariat of Education of the Georgian SSR, the main artistic committee of the People’s Commissariat of Education and the management of academic theaters regarding the giving up the theaters organize evenings for G. Tabidze, Iv. Mchedlishvili and T. Graneli, Kavsadze Folk Song Choir enrollment at the national expense, purchasing of the bust of Qazbegi (the author of the bust V. Kotetishvili) by Palace of Arts 23.2.1923 - 4.12.1924 10
5 The Main Committee of the Culture Union of Artists of All Georgia 1 15 Correspondence with the People’s Commissariat of Education of the Georgian SSR regarding the allocation of funds for the anniversary of the honored musician Ia Kargareteli, Arrangement of Lolua anniversary evenings in the provinces, etc. 24.3.-2.5.1923 7
5 The Main Committee of the Culture Union of Artists of All Georgia 1 18 Petitions to the main artistic committee of widows of artists D. Guramishvili and Il. Chubinashvili regarding the appointment of pensions of Iv. Mchedlishvili 30.4. - 15.11. 1923 8
5 The Main Committee of the Culture Union of Artists of All Georgia 1 20 Appeal of the Cultural Union of Musicians of All Georgia to become members of the Main Committee of the Cultural Union of Artists: I. Kargareteli and D. Araqishvili, and regarding the election of Tumanishvili as a candidate; Certificate regarding the election of T. Tabidze as a member of the Anniversary Committee of Artist Mosin; List of members of the Cultural Union of Musicians of All Georgia 13.2-30.3.1924 5
5 The Main Committee of the Culture Union of Artists of All Georgia 1 21 Petitions to the People’s Commissariat of Education and Social Security Commissariat of the Georgian SSR regarding Increasing pensions for Dz. Lolua and D. Kldiashvili, providing simultaneous assistance to writers, etc. 11.6. - 20.11. 1924 7
5 The Main Committee of the Culture Union of Artists of All Georgia 1 24 Correspondence with the Main Council of Art Affairs regarding the holding anniversary evenings for Z. Paliashvili, D. Araqishvili, S. Mgaloblishvili, Sh. Dadiani\'s participation in Sundukyan\'s anniversaries 20.1.1925 - 17.2.1926 4
5 The Main Committee of the Culture Union of Artists of All Georgia 1 33 The report card of the main committee of the Culture Union of Artists of Georgian SSR to the People’s Commissariat of Education regarding Z. Paliashvili\'s business trip to Paris for the promotion of Georgian music in Europe 6.10.1926 2
9 Union of Composers of Georgia 1933-2003 1 8 Correspondence with the Department of Art Affairs regarding the sending a brigade to record church chants in Eastern Georgia, assigning the name of an honored artist to the composer Ia Kargareteli, etc 25.01-28.12.36 75
9 Union of Composers of Georgia 1933-2003 2 31 Resolution of the Council of People\'s Commissars of Georgia regarding the improvement of work measures of the National Ensemble of Georgian Folk Song and Dance 09.09.43 1 Machine-printed, in Russian
9 Union of Composers of Georgia 1933-2003 3 66 Stenographic report of the Plenum of the Union regarding the discussion of the results of the Decade of Georgian Music held in Moscow 29.10.49 52 Machine-printed, in Russian
9 Union of Composers of Georgia 1933-2003 4 67 Stenographic report of the Plenum of the Union regarding the discussion of the results of the Decade of Georgian Music held in Moscow 30.10.49 141 Machine-printed, in Russian
9 Union of Composers of Georgia 1933-2003 5 76 Programs of the Decade of Music of the Soviet Union of Transcaucasian Republics held in Baku 1949 6 Machine-printed
9 Union of Composers of Georgia 1933-2003 6 77 List of musical works performed at the Decade of Music of the Soviet Union of the Transcaucasian Republics held in Baku 1949 27 Manuscript, machine-printed in Georgian and Russian
9 Union of Composers of Georgia 1933-2003 7 109 Stenographic account of the disputation dedicated to the topic \"Khalkhuroba Musikashi\" 23.04.-25.04.51 143
9 Union of Composers of Georgia 1933-2003 8 140 Regulation regarding inspection of artistic self-action and conducting the Eighth Republican Olympics 1954 10 in Georgian and Russian languages
9 Union of Composers of Georgia 1933-2003 9 176 Composer K. Potskhverashvili\'s report card in the Council of Ministers, regarding his treatment with music and culture services with workers\' new rules 1955-56 7
9 Union of Composers of Georgia 1933-2003 10 208 chant notes preserved in ancient Georgian manuscripts of the 10th century, downloaded by Pavle Ingoroqva 1956 1 Autograph
9 Union of Composers of Georgia 1933-2003 11 230 Documents regarding the preparations for the Decade of Georgian Art and Literature in Moscow 17.01.1957 101
9 Union of Composers of Georgia 1933-2003 12 233 Stenographic report of the session of the Secretariat of the All-Union Composers\' Union regarding the results of the decade held in Moscow 31.03.1958 42
9 Union of Composers of Georgia 1933-2003 13 251 Diaries of the decade of Georgian literature and art held in Moscow, book 1 17.03-19.04.58 88
9 Union of Composers of Georgia 1933-2003 14 252 Diaries of the decade of Georgian literature and art held in Moscow, book 2 02.03.-19.04.59 75
9 Union of Composers of Georgia 1933-2003 15 253 Diaries of the decade of Georgian literature and art held in Moscow, book 3 22.03.-27.03.58 112
9 Union of Composers of Georgia 1933-2003 16 254 Diaries of the decade of Georgian literature and art held in Moscow, book 4 22.03.-28.03.58 68
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