Foundation N Name of the Foundation Record N Case N Document Name Date Number of Pages Note
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 1 Resolution of the Council of People\'s Commissars on the formation of the Folk Cabinet. 1936-1937 10
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 2 Instruction and correspondence. 1936-1937 57
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 3 Accounting cards of artistic self-operating circles. 1936 97
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 4 Minutes of production meetings.. 1937 8
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 5 Minutel on the creation of an orchestra of reconstructed musical instruments 13.12.1937 5
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 6 A brief overview of the work of the cabinet of folk creativity. 09.03.1937 07.08.1938 33
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 7 A list of folk songs recorded on gramophone record 1937 42
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 8 Accounting cards of artistic self-operating circles, book 1 1937 65
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 9 Accounting cards of artistic self-operating circles, book 2 1937 48
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 10 Minutes and reporting cards. 27.07.1938 22.12.1938 40
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 11 Minutes on the creation of choirs of singers. 03.01.1938 15.01.1939 20
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 12 Minutes and reports on the work of choirs of singers 20.01.1938 25.01.1939 30
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 13 Resolution on the work and tasks of choirs of singers 1938 8
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 14 Materials of the Olympics of folk creativity 1938 74
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 15 Minutes and orders on conducting music-folk work. 03.03.1938 20.11.1938 6
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 16 Plan, correspondence, lists of members of the group 20.02.1938 01.05.1938 18
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 17 Materials on the district inspection of self-operating choirs 28.02-19.09.1938 45
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 18 Materials on the formation of an art workshop. 21.06-16.11.1938 73
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 19 Accounting cards of artistic self-operating circles, book 1 1938 121
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 20 Accounting cards of artistic self-operating circles, book 2 1938 122
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 21 Reports on inspections of individual choirs 08.02-29.12.1939 44 Chkhik. Mikh.
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 22 Information letter about participation in exhibitions. Work plans and application forms 1939 11
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 23 Information letter. 29.11.1939 09.08.1940 9
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 24 Agreement on social competition between House of Creativitys of Ukraine and Georgia. 1939 25
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 25 Correspondence with the Art Union about the development of the work of Chef. 03.09-23.11.1939 8
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 26 List of members of self-operating circles of the House of Folk Creativity of Achara. 1939 50 Chav. Dimit.
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 27 Accounting cards of artistic self-operating circles. 1939 93
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 28 Materials on inspection of self-operating theaters. 01.12.1939 03.01.1941 248
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 29 Materials on social competition between Ukrainian and Georgian House of Creativitys/minutes, acts, informations, correspondence/ 20.09-21.09.1939 8
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 30 Minutes of the session of the Pedagogical Council of the preparatory courses of the heads of self-operating circles. 23.11.1939 2
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