Foundation N Name of the Foundation Record N Case N Document Name Date Number of Pages Note
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 121 List of recommended songs 1954 21
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 122 Correspondence with the N. Krupskaya All-Union House of Folk Creativity on creative issues. 12.02.55-20.12.1956 36
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 123 Correspondence about creative anniversaries, celebrating evenings and expressing gratitude. 30.03.55-24.12.57 17
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 124 House of Creativity Work Plan 1955 49
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 125 Balances. 1955-1958 114
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 126 Orders and regulations about the organization of the All-Union Youth Festival. 21.02-09.02.1956 20
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 127 Order N394 of the Minister of Culture of Georgian SSR of May 3, 1956 on the involvement of the intelligentsia in the work of cultural and educational institutions. 03.05.1956 5
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 128 House of Creativity Work Plan 1956 54
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 129 Materials about the work of Folk Creative Theaters /order, regulations, posters, programs and others/ 01.03-14.04.1956 43
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 130 Report on the main tasks of folk creativity and artistic self-action 1956 26
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 131 Statistical information about the state of artistic self-operating circles. 1956 1
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 132 List of songs published by the House of Folk Creativity in 1945-1956 1956 4
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 133 List of recommended repertoire for artistic self-operating theater collectives. 1956 27
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 134 Report Card and information about the work of the House of Fine Arts of House of Creativity in 1950-1957 1957 8
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 135 Creativity House 1957. 1957 47
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 136 1957 Report of the Folk Creative Republican House of the Abkhazian SSR. 1957 8
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 137 1957 work report of the House of Folk Creativity of South Ossetia 1957 13
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 138 A letter from the Cultural-Educational Main Division of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR on strengthening the works of folk creativity. 20.03.57 2
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 139 Orders of the Ministry of Culture of Georgia on the work of the Folk Creative Republican House. 08.01-22.12.1958 52
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 140 Orders of the Ministry of Culture of Georgia on the liquidation of Georgian instruments and the transfer of property to the House of Creativity. 15.04-30.04.1958 9
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 141 Minutes of the session of the Artistic Council of the House of Creativity. 1958 14
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 142 Minutes of the production meetings of the employees of the House of Creativity. 04.01-02.04.1958 3
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 143 Minutes N1 on consideration of the work plan of the general meeting of employees. 11.01.58 1
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 144 Regulation on the duty of directors of houses of folk creativity. 17.09.58 3
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 145 Report card of Chirinashvili, the director of the House of Creativity, about giving an apartment. 16.06.58 7
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 146 Correspondence on the strengthening of contact with the All-Union House of Folk Creativity. Organizational department 06.03-15.11.1958 21
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 147 Resolution of the Council of Ministers on the restoration and development of folk ceativity in Georgia. 04.05.58 5
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 148 Resolution of the Board of the Ministry of Culture on the results of the local inspection of artistic self-action 09.12.58 12
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 149 Materials on conducting a local tour of artistic self-creation in Georgia (order, plan, event.) 12.05.58 25
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 150 Materials on conducting a local inspection of artistic self-creation in Georgia (orders, regulation, practical measure) 03.06.58 39
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