Foundation N Name of the Foundation Record N Case N Document Name Date Number of Pages Note
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 257 Materials on conducting an artistic self-action art festival. 15.11.66 23.05.67 103
130 Folk Creative Republican House Accounting
130 Folk Creative Republican House 258 Reports on work plan and salary fund. 1966 2
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1967, chancellery
130 Folk Creative Republican House 259 Resolutions of the Union Professional Council on holding the Union Folk Art Competition and others. Correspondence about the publication of the \"Dances of the Peoples of the USSR\" series. 11.12.67 30.09.68 18
130 Folk Creative Republican House 260 Resolution, order, report card and correspondence about holding festivals. Report on the results of the creative house\'s work in 1966. 29.04.67 17.12.68 46
130 Folk Creative Republican House Organizational department
130 Folk Creative Republican House 261 Shorthand report of the jury session of the republican festival of self-operating art of Georgia dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution on the results of the festival. 26.06.67 70
130 Folk Creative Republican House 262 1967 work report of the creative house 1967 100
130 Folk Creative Republican House 263 List of used works purchased in 1967. 1967 4
130 Folk Creative Republican House Accounting
130 Folk Creative Republican House 264 Report for the three quarters of 1967-1968. 1967-1968 122
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 265 Cost estimates of folk artistic self-operating art festival. 1967 3
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1968, chancellery
130 Folk Creative Republican House 266 Resolution and orders of the Ministry of Culture of the Georgian SSR, which refers to the work-action of the Folk Creative Republican House. 27.09.68-22.09.69 70
130 Folk Creative Republican House 267 Resolutions and orders of the Ministry of Culture of the Georgian SSR, which refer to the work of cultural-educational and self-operating creative collectives. 23.01-27.09.1968 45
130 Folk Creative Republican House 268 Order N170 of the Ministry of Culture of the Georgian SSR of April 17, 1968 on the All-Union Self-operating Art Festival. Regulation of music section of Folk Creative Republican House. 17.04.68 7
130 Folk Creative Republican House 269 Report cards of the director of the Folk Creative Republican House of the Georgian SSR 10.12.68 9
130 Folk Creative Republican House Organizational department
130 Folk Creative Republican House 270 Resolution, regulation, information about the republican inspection of the district culture house 27.05-16.09.1968 35
130 Folk Creative Republican House 271 1968 work report of the Creative House I copy 1968 53
130 Folk Creative Republican House 272 1968 work report of the Creative House II copy 1968 53
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1969, chancellery
130 Folk Creative Republican House 1 273 Resolution of the Ministry of Culture of the Georgian SSR and orders of the Ministry of Culture of the SSR sent from abroad. 21.02-01.09.1969 17
130 Folk Creative Republican House 274 Resolution of the Board of the Ministry of Culture of the Georgian SSR on measures to improve the artistic-ideal level of works in creative institutions. 04.07.69 6
130 Folk Creative Republican House Organizational department
130 Folk Creative Republican House 275 1969 work report of the creative house 1969 86
130 Folk Creative Republican House 276 Report of the Director of Creative House about the work of the house in connection with the 100th anniversary of V.I. Lenin. 1969 7
130 Folk Creative Republican House 277 Report card of the director of the creative house about the care of the ideological and aesthetic upbringing of the youth by the \"house\". 27.08.69 5
130 Folk Creative Republican House 278 Reviews, conclusions, scenarios. 06.06-16.06.1969 27
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