Foundation N Name of the Foundation Record N Case N Document Name Date Number of Pages Note
219 Singer Ana daughter of Dimitri Vardiashvili\'s personal foundation 1 18 Marijan\'s poems Undated 10 printing
219 Singer Ana daughter of Dimitri Vardiashvili\'s personal foundation 1 19 Poet Marijani\'s personal statement to the director of the House of Folk Creativity about the authorship of the song \"Kekela da Maro\" 1958-1959 1 manuscript
219 Singer Ana daughter of Dimitri Vardiashvili\'s personal foundation 1 20 Poems of I. Grishashvili Undated 8 printing
219 Singer Ana daughter of Dimitri Vardiashvili\'s personal foundation 1 21 E. Akhvlediani\'s self-caricature, made with a pencil Undated 2
219 Singer Ana daughter of Dimitri Vardiashvili\'s personal foundation 1 22 Exhibition Picture Catalogue of E. Akhvlediani Undated 2 printing
219 Singer Ana daughter of Dimitri Vardiashvili\'s personal foundation 1 23 Photographs of E. Akhvlediani Undated 4
219 Singer Ana daughter of Dimitri Vardiashvili\'s personal foundation 1 24 I. Stalin at Rustaveli Theatre (Group Photo) Undated 1
231 Niko Sulkhanishvili\'s Personal Foundation 1 2 Memoir of N. Sulkhanishvili\'s son about his father Undated 1
231 Niko Sulkhanishvili\'s Personal Foundation 1 10 Niko Sulkhanishvili, M. Danovsky, M. Elizbarashvili, V. Voskrensky, R. Khundadze, N. Sharabidze, V. Gegechkori and others. (photograph) Undated 9 manuscript
231 Niko Sulkhanishvili\'s Personal Foundation 2 3 \"Sultatana\" arranged for the choir Undated 2 manuscript
231 Niko Sulkhanishvili\'s Personal Foundation 2 6 The song \"Delivodeli Vodelia\" (One voice) Undated 2 manuscript
231 Niko Sulkhanishvili\'s Personal Foundation 2 8 Collection of \"Kartuli Khalkhuri Simgherebi\" recorded by A. Benashvili (incomplete) Undated 12 printing
247 The personal archive of Shalva (Shakro) Mezurnishvili, the bard 1 1 Sh. Mezurnishvili\'s legend \"Monasteri Monadiris Aghsareba\" and others 1955 1975 43 manuscript
247 The personal archive of Shalva (Shakro) Mezurnishvili, the bard 1 2 Poems of Mezurnishvili \"Tibatve\", \"Krtsanisis Velze\", \"Mtskheta\", \"Gazapkhuli\", \"Daghonebuli Tsalkoti\", \"Miqvarda Zamtari\" and others 1959 1973 41 manuscript
247 The personal archive of Shalva (Shakro) Mezurnishvili, the bard 1 3 The biographical material of Mezurnishvili 1963 1979 11
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 1 Vazha Gvakharia \"Secular musical culture in Tamar\'s time Georgia\" 1947 11 manuscript
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 4 Vazha Gvakharia \"Basic issues of the musical systems of the peoples of ancient Mesopotamia\" 1975 212 Machine-printed, in Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 5 Photocopies of \"Album of sketches and regalia of 17th century Georgia\" by Christopher Castel, prepared for publication by Vazha Gvakharia. Part 1 1976 83
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 6 Photocopies of \"Album of sketches and regalia of 17th century Georgia\" by Christopher Castel, prepared for publication by Vazha Gvakharia. Part 2 1976 94
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 7 Photocopies of \"Album of sketches and regalia of 17th century Georgia\" by Christopher Castel, prepared for publication by Vazha Gvakharia. Part 3 1976 116
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 8 Vazha Gvakharia \"Musical culture and chantography according to cuneiform texts (Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Hittite, Hurrian, Ugart, Urartu art monuments) 1977 45 In Russian, Fragments, manuscript
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 14 chants by Mikael Modrekili 1981 44 In English, Machine-printed
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 16 Vazha Gvakharia \"Dictionary of Ancient Egyptian Music and chantography.\" part 1 1983 227 In Georgian, German and Russian, Machine-printed and manuscript
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 17 Vazha Gvakharia \"Dictionary of Ancient Egyptian Music and chantography.\" part 2 1983 165 In Georgian, German and Russian, Machine-printed and manuscript
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 18 Vazha Gvakharia \"Dictionary of Ancient Egyptian Music and chantography.\" part 3 1983 80 In Georgian, German and Russian, Machine-printed and manuscript
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 19 Vazha Gvakharia \"Dictionary of Ancient Egyptian Music and chantography.\" part 4 1983 140 In Georgian, German and Russian, Machine-printed and manuscript
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 20 Vazha Gvakharia \"History of Georgian music and chantography from ancient times to the 18th century, Part 1-2 at the beginnings of Georgian music 1984 323 Machine-printed
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 21 Vazha Gvakharia \"History of Georgian music and chantography from ancient times to the 18th century, part 3-4 Workers of the old Georgian professional musical-chantographic school 1984 470 Machine-printed
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 22 Vazha Gvakharia \"History of Georgian music and chantography from ancient times to the 18th century, part 5. Classification of ancient Georgian chants in the foundations of the Academician Korneli Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts of the Georgian Academy of Sciences. 1984 339 Machine-printed
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 23 Vazha Gvakharia \"History of Georgian music and chantography from ancient times to the 18th century, part 6. The ancient Iadgari 1984 109 Machine-printed
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