Foundation N Name of the Foundation Record N Case N Document Name Date Number of Pages Note
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 24 Vazha Gvakharia \"Sumero-Assyro-Babylonian Musical, chantographic and Cult Dictionary.\" 1984 130 manuscript
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 25 Vazha Gvakharia \"Sumero-Assyro-Babylonian Musical, chantographic and Cult Dictionary.\" 2 1984 78 manuscript
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 26 Vazha Gvakharia \"Sumero-Assyro-Babylonian Musical, chantographic and Cult Dictionary.\" 3 1984 33 manuscript
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 35 Vazha Gvakharia \"The History of Italian Music and chantography in the Light of the Works of Dante Alighieri,, part 1 Undated 221 Machine-printed and manuscript In Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 36 Vazha Gvakharia \"The History of Italian Music and chantography in the Light of the Works of Dante Alighieri,, part 2 Undated 178 Machine-printed and manuscript In Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 37 Vazha Gvakharia \"The History of Italian Music and chantography in the Light of the Works of Dante Alighieri,, part 3 Undated 161 Machine-printed and manuscript In Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 44 Some scientific studies on the structure of Sumerian, Assyrian-Babylonian, Ugaritic, Hurrian music Undated 144 In German and Russian, Machine-printed
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 49 Vazha Gvakharia \"Music and chantography of the era of Davit the Builder\" 1989 15 manuscript Fragments
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 50 Vazha Gvakharia, The musical culture of Mesopotamia Undated 217 Machine-printed, in Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 51 A bibliography of musical works composed on the themes of the Old and New Testaments of the Ancient Near East, Greece and Rome Undated 50 In Italian, Machine-printed
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 52 Vazha Gvakharia \"Georgian church music of the 16th-18th centuries\" Undated 32 manuscript, Machine-printed
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 53 Vazha Gvakharia \"Cosmic harmony of Ioane Petritsi and symbolism of numbers in music\" Undated 47 manuscript, Machine-printed
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 54 Vazha Gvakharia \"History of Georgian music and chantography from ancient times to the 18th century Undated 134 Fragments in Georgian and Russian, Machine-printed, manuscript
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 55 Vazha Gvakharia \"Issues of the genesis of Georgian chantography\"(Photocopies of Georgian chants written on sheet music are atteched) Undated 105 Machine-printed
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 56 Vazha Gvakharia \"Musical and chantographic culture in 4th-6th centuries Georgia (the martyrdom of Shushanik and some problems of ancient Georgian chantography and music) Undated 10 Machine-printed, in Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 57 \"Musical culture of Georgia in the 11th-12th centuries Undated 6 In Russian and German, printing
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 58 Vazha Gvakharia \"Musical culture of Georgia in the 10th-11th centuries Undated Machine-printed, in Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 59 Vazha Gvakharia \"Old Georgian professional music\" Undated 212 Fragments, In Russian, Machine-printed
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 60 Vazha Gvakharia \"Ibero-Caucasian languages ​​and their folk and cult songs\" Undated 152 Fragments, In Russian, Machine-printed, manuscript
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 62 Vazha Gvakharia \"About Basque music\" Undated 70 Machine-printed, in Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 79 \"Musical Culture of Sudan\" (biographical information about Sudanese musicians of the 20th century, copyright decoding of musical samples, bibliography) Undated 98 Machine-printed, in Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 80 Vazha Gvakharia \"Sumerian-Assyrian-Babylonian musical, chantographic and cult dictionary\" Undated 182 manuscript, In Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 99 Vazha Gvakharia \"Assyrian-Babylonian Musical Culture\" Undated 118 Machine-printed, in Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 104 Vazha Gvakharia \"About the ancient connections of Georgian and North-Caucasian folk music\" 1963 85 \"Materials for the Ethnography of Georgia\", 12th-13th, In Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 111 Articles about Ancient Near Eastern music culture Undated 67 Xerocopies in English-language journals
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 113 Arabic Music Notes Undated 140 Photocopies
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 115 Autoabstracts and reviews. Authorabstract of Natela Maisuradze\'s thesis \"Musical culture and folk household tradition of Eastern Georgia\" (scientific supervisor Vazha Gvakharia) 1967 15 printing, In Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 116 M. Khashba \"Labor Songs of Abkhazia\" (scientific supervisor Vazha Gvakharia) autoabstract of the thesis for obtaining the candidate degree of art historian 1971 10 printing, In Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 124 Ioseb Zhorandnia \"Modulation in the Bourdon Depths of Eastern Georgia\" dissertation autoabstract for obtaining the degree of art historian 1982 15 printing, In Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 126 Vazha Gvakharia\'s review of Nino Maisuradze\'s dissertation \"Problems of origin, formation and development of Georgian folk music\" 1983 7 Machine-printed
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