Foundation N |
Name of the Foundation |
Record N |
Case N |
Document Name |
Date |
Number of Pages |
Note |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
304 |
Viktor Nozadze\'s letters from France to V. Gvakharia |
1967 |
2 |
manuscript |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
306 |
Letters of G. Okropiridze |
1956-1980 |
5 |
manuscript |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
309 |
A letter of Rimer, professor, director of the Scottish Music Archives to V. Gvakharia |
1974 |
1 |
manuscript, in German |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
311 |
A letter of the Director of the Institute of Folklore of Yugoslavia, Blazhe Rosgtev |
1974 |
2 |
Machine-printed, In French |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
318 |
G. Sulakvelidze\'s letter to V. Gvakharia |
Undated |
1 |
manuscript |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
332 |
Letters of M. Shilakadze to V. Gvakharia |
1972-1984 |
8 |
manuscript |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
333 |
Letters of Professor Erin Stockmann of the Institute of German Philology of the German Academy of Sciences on various issues of Georgian music |
1966-1968 |
79 |
Machine-printed, in German |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
341 |
Letters of G. Tsereteli to Vazha Gvakharia |
1959 |
1 |
manuscript |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
342 |
Letters of E. Tsereteli to Vazha Gvakharia |
1968-1973 |
47 |
manuscript |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
343 |
Letter of M. Chiaureli to Vazha Gvakharia |
1970 |
1 |
manuscript |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
344 |
Letters of I. Khashba to Vazha Gvakharia |
1964-1966 |
7 |
manuscript, In Russian |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
345 |
Letters of I. Khashba to Vazha Gvakharia |
1970-1984 |
33 |
manuscript, In Russian |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
347 |
Letters of K. Jikia to Vazha Gvakharia |
Undated |
9 |
manuscript |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
350 |
A letter of American musicologist Paul Helmer to Vazha Gvakharia |
1969 |
3 |
Machine-printed, in English |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
365 |
Notification of L. Polyakova, Head of the Music Department of the journal \"Sovetskaia Miusik\" about the non-publishing of V. Gvakharia\'s article \"Issue of Periodization of Georgian Music\" |
1956 |
2 |
Machine-printed, in Russian |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
368 |
Notification of Yu. Keldish, the editor of the journal \"Sovetskaia Miusik\" about the return of V. Gvakharia\'s article \"Georgian folk polyphony\" |
1960 |
1 |
Machine-printed, in Russian |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
370 |
Notification of Inil, the editor-in-chief of \"Muzika\" publishing house about the return of V. Gvakharia\'s work \"Music History Essays\" |
1964 |
1 |
Machine-printed, in Russian |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
373 |
Notification of Professor G.V. Kelish, Head of the Department of History of Folk Music of the USSR of the Institute of Art History of the USSR and E.N Alekseeva, director of the M.I. Glinka Museum of Musical Culture about sending the the report \"Musical culture in Georgia in the 10th - 11th centuries\" to V. Gvakharia. |
1958 |
1 |
Machine-printed, in Russian |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
374 |
Notifications of the Georgian Society of Cultural Union with Compatriots Living Abroad, about inviting V. Gvakharia to the meeting of the Presidium of the Society. |
1965 |
2 |
Machine-printed |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
377 |
Notification of A. jijieishvili, Chairman of the Presidium of the Achara Musical and Choreographic Society, to V. Gvakharia about the invitation to participate in the discussion of organized events of old Georgian /Gurian, Acharian/ and chant songs by the Presidium of the Adjara Musical and Choreographic Society and the Republican House of Folk Creativity of the Ministry of Culture on March 12, 1971 |
1971 |
1 |
Machine-printed |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
378 |
Appeal of the scholar of M.I Glinka the central state museum of musical culture, Mtvnis N.Ch. Solovo to V. Gvakharia about the sending the report \"Development of Georgian musical systems of the 10th and 11th centuries\" for for the exhibition \"Musical culture of the peoples of the USSR\" organized by the Union of Composers of the USSR |
1977 |
1 |
Machine-printed, in Russian |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
379 |
Address of the learned secretary of the international festival held in Brno/Czechoslovakia, Rudolph Perman, regarding the invitation of V. Gvakharia to the festival |
1971 |
1 |
Machine-printed, in German and Czech |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
383 |
Notification of the directorate of the Polish Philharmonic \"Pomarska\" about inviting V. Gakharia to Bydgoszcz Eastern European Ancient Music Festival |
1973 |
1 |
Machine-printed, in German |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
384 |
A letter sent on behalf of Macedonian composers about the invitation of V. Gvakharia to the Balkan festival |
1975 |
1 |
manuscript, In Russian |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
387 |
A letter of thanks of E.N. Alekseeva, the director of M.I. Glinka Central State Museum of Musical Culture to V. Gvakharia about the transfer of \"Mikael Modrekilis Himnebi\" to the museum |
1975 |
Machine-printed, in Russian |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
388 |
Notification of L. Khundadze, director of Publishing house \"Ganatleba\" about the impossibility of publishing the work \"Kartuli Musikis da Himnograpiis Leksikonis\" compiled by V. Gvakharia |
1981 |
2 |
Machine-printed |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
389 |
A letter of A. Shvalbe, master and director of the Polish Philharmonic \"Pomaiska\" V. Gvakharia regarding the delivery of materials for the Eastern European Music Festival. |
1981 |
1 |
Machine-printed, in German |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
390 |
Notification of the Republican Promotion Commission of the 7th International Congress of Ethnographic and Anthropological Sciences of the Iv. Javakhishvili Institute of History on the presentation of V. Gvakharia\'s report Presentation on Congress: \"The Folk Roots of Professional Music\" |
1981 |
1 |
Machine-printed |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
392 |
The written request of A. Schvalbe, master of rector of the Polish Philharmonic \"Polanska\" to V. Gvakharia, about sending notes or instructions about the collection \"Monuments of Eastern European musical culture\" prepared for publication under the auspices of \"UNESCO\" |
1982 |
1 |
Machine-printed, in Russian |
248 |
Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation |
2 |
393 |
Notification of E. Kharedanski, music director of the Eastern European Old Music Festival and A. Schvalbe, the director of Philharmonic \"Polanska\" about receiving a new version of V. Gvakharia\'s report |
1982 |
1 |
Machine-printed, in Russian |