Foundation N Name of the Foundation Record N Case N Document Name Date Number of Pages Note
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 395 Request of G.B. Averyanov, Rector of I.P. Kotliarov Art Institute of Kharkiv about inviting V. Gvakharia to give lectures 1983 1 Machine-printed, in Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 397 Notification of E. Kharredansky, the music director of the Eastern European Old Music Festival about inviting V. Gvakharia to the festival 1985 1 Machine-printed, in Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 399 Notification of Khamzi Institute of Art History of Uzbekistan about inviting V. Gvakharia to the Union Scientific Conference 1985 1 Machine-printed, in Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 400 Notification of the organizing committee of the preparation of the Days of Georgian Culture in GDR about inviting V. Gvakharia as a member of the delegation Undated 1 printing
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 406 Invitation card of the first republican scientific meeting dedicated to issues of Georgian folklore, organized by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Ministry of Culture 1956 1 printing, in Georgian and Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 413 Invitation card of the session dedicated to the 900th anniversary of the birth of Ioane Petritsi held by the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Georgian Academy of Sciences 1964 printing
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 426 Request of Acad. G. Jibladze, the Chairman of the Editorial Board of \"History of Georgian aesthetic thought\" established by the order of the Rector of Tbilisi State University to V. Gvakharia about the preparation for \"Aesthetic features of Georgian music from ancient times to the 11th century\" 1973 1 Machine-printed
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 430 Review of V. Gvakharia, the Chairman of State Commission of Music Theory Department of V. Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire of students\' diploma theses and state exam reports 1977 103 manuscript
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 435 Collection of materials compiled by T. Kvirikadze and T. Khuroshvili \"Musical Culture of Georgia\" 1975-1977 83 Publishing House \"Khelovneba\"
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 426 Reports of V. Gvakharia, the Chairman of State Examination Commission of Music Theory Department of V. Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire on conducting exams 1980 37 manuscript
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 438 Reviews of V. Gvakharia, the chairman of the state examination commission of the historical-theoretical faculty of the Uz. Gajibekov State Conservatoire of Azerbaijan about students\' diploma theses and state exam reports 1981-1985 Machine-printed, manuscript, In Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 439 Invitation card by the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II issued in the name of V. Gvakharia to the discussion of chants prepared by G. Alaznispireli from the collection of priest V. Karbelashvili. 1962 1 Machine-printed
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 440 V. Gvakharia\'s message to Bravlavsky, the head of the folk music laboratory of the SS Union of the Leningrad State Conservatory regarding his arrival for giving lectures 1982 1 Machine-printed, in Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 443 Reports of V. Gvakharia, the Chairman of State Examination Commission of Music Theory Department of V. Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire on students\' diploma theses and state exam reports 1982 86 manuscript, Machine-printed
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 448 Ts.G. Khelashvili\'s candidate thesis \"The Image of Ayar in Persian Folk Songs and Their Georgian Versions\". Head V. Gvakharia 1987 13 Publishing House \"Khelovneba\"
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 449 M.A. Dzhandari\'s Autoabstract of candidate thesis \"Household Aspect of Adyghe Ceremonial Songs\". Head V. Gvakharia 1988 9 printing, In Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 450 G.A. Mamulashvili\'s authoabstract of candidate thesis \"Theatre (Sakhioba) in the Georgian versions of Shah-Name\".. Head V. Gvakharia 1988 12 Academy of Sciences Publishing, In Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 452 V. Gvakharia\'s statement to Ak. Dvalishvili, the chairman of the cinematography state committee of the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR about the need to shoot documentaries of \"Soviet Georgia\" and scientific documentaries depicting modern and ancient ethnographic existence Undated 1 manuscript
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 460 Report of V. Gvakharia, the second-year student of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Tbilisi State University on the question of the sun and moon cult in Georgia and its reflection in folklore. 1944 13 manuscript
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 462 Report of V. Gvakharia, the fourth-year student of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Tbilisi State University on Secular musical culture in Georgia during the time of Tamar 1945 40 manuscript
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 473 Characterization of V. Gvakharia by Prof. D. Araqishvili 1953 1 Machine-printed, in Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 485 Minutes of the session of the Department of Ancient Oriental Languages ​​of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR regarding the review of Gvakharia\'s doctoral dissertation \"Fundamentals of ancient Georgian hymnography\" and submision for further proceedings by the Scientific Council 1966-1967 3 Original, in Georgian and Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 486 Review of art critic prof. P. Khuchua on the dissertation Dzveli Kartuli Himnograpiis Sapudzvlebi\" submitted by V. Gvakharia for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Philological Sciences. 1968 15 Machine-printed
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 487 Review of art critic prof. P. Khuchua on the dissertation\"Fundamentals of ancient Georgian hymnography\" submitted by V. Gvakharia for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Philological Sciences. 1968 151 Machine-printed, in Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 488 Review of G. Imeandshvili, Doctor of Philological Sciences on the dissertation \"Fundamentals of ancient Georgian hymnography\" submitted by V. Gvakharia for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Philological Sciences. 1968 95 Machine-printed, Georgian and in Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 489 Review of A. Urushadze, Doctor of Philological Sciences on the dissertation \"Fundamentals of ancient Georgian hymnography\" submitted by V. Gvakharia for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Philological Sciences. 1968 62 Machine-printed, in Georgian and in Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 490 Review of Prof. T. Gamqrelidze, member-correspondent of the Academy, chairman of the Department of Ancient Eastern Languages ​​of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR on on the dissertation\"Fundamentals of ancient Georgian hymnography\" submitted by V. Gvakharia for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Philological Sciences. 1968 2 manuscript, In Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 491 Materials on V. Gvakharia\'s doctoral dissertation 1968 84 Machine-printed, in Georgian and in Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 493 Autoabstract of V. Gvakharia\'s doctoral dissertation 1968 12 Tbilisi State University Publishing, In Russian
248 Vazha Gvakharia\'s Personal Foundation 2 494 Incomplete text of V. Gvakharia\'s doctoral dissertation 1967 67 Machine-printed, in Russian
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