Foundation N Name of the Foundation Record N Case N Document Name Date Number of Pages Note
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 164 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s letter for studying the roots of mus-theory of Georgian folk songs Undated 13 Machine-printed, in Russian, Meg. museum 19253
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 166 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s letter \"Non-tertial chords in Georgian folk song\" Undated 6 Machine-printed, in Russian, Meg. museum 19256
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 *1.6. Reviews (Case N 167-208)
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 167 Sh. Aslanishvili and Gr. Chkhikvadze\'s review about A. Begijanov\'s work \"Georgian professional music\" 16.12.1954 2 Machine-printed, in Georgian and in Russian. Meg. museum 19120, 19124
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 168 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s review and notes about A. Begijanov\'s work \"D. I. Araqishvili\" 1956 48 manuscript, Machine-printed, In Russian, Meg. museum 19358, 19359
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 169 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s review about Prof. V. Belyaev\'s work \"Musical Culture of Georgia\" 1956 4 Machine-printed, In Russian, Meg. museum 19360
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 170 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s review about T. Mamaladze\'s research \"Songs of Labor in Kakheti\" 1962 2 /The last part is missing/, Machine-printed, In Russian, Meg. museum 19385
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 173 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s review about L. Podzebskaya\'s Candidate thesis \"M. M Ipolitov-Ivanov and Georgian musical culture\" 22.10.1965 6 Machine-printed, In Russian, Meg. museum 19391
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 176 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s review about N. Maisuradze\'s Candidate thesis \"Musical Culture and Folk Household Tradition of Eastern Georgia\" 22.06.1967 2 manuscript. Meg. museum 19384
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 178 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s review about D. Khakhanov\'s work \"Ossetian folk songs\" 03.05.1972 2 In Russian, Meg. museum 19403
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 180 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s review about M. Iashvili\'s Candidate thesis \"The beginnings of Georgian polyphony\" 1972 67 manuscript, Machine-printed, In Russian, Meg. museum 19378, 19379
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 186 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s conclusion on V. A. Maghradze\'s work \"Georgian / Meskhetian / folk songs\" and in connection with the publication. /Editor of the work Sh. Aslanishvili/ Undated 17 manuscript, Machine-printed, in Georgian and in Russian, Meg. museum 19387
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 188 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s reviews about D. L Slianova-Mizandari\'s work \"Georgian Folk Unison Song\" Undated 4 Machine-printed, In Russian, Meg. museum 19393
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 199 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s review about V. Maghradze\'s dissertation \"Intonational structure of Meskhetian table songs\" Undated 2 Machine-printed, Meg. museum 19388
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 200 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s review about Khashba\'s Candidate thesis \"Folk musical instruments of Abkhazia\" Undated 8 manuscript and Machine-printed, In Russian, Meg. museum
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 205 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s review on L. G. Qanchaveli\'s Candidate thesis \"Archaic songs of the Adyghe people and the peculiarities of the development of their kilokaves\" Undated 13 Machine-printed, In Russian, Meg. museum 19396
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 *1.7 Reports, speeches, radio broadcasts (case N209-240)
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 209 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s report \"Old Georgian music samples\". theses. 1947 2 manuscript
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 210 Theses of Sh. Aslanishvili\'s report \"Old Georgian notation samples\" printed in the collection of theses of reports of the 24th scientific session of the Social Sciences Department of the Georgian Academy of Sciences 1947 7 გვ. 1, 7-10. printing
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 211 Theses of Sh. Aslanishvili\'s report \"Samaia\" printed in the collection of theses of reports of the joint scientific session of I. Javakhishvili Institute of History and S. Janashia State Museum of Georgia. 1948 8 printing
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 212 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s report on the work of the expedition conducted in Svaneti in the summer of 1946 1946 16 Machine-printed. Meg. museum 19440
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 213 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s report on the work of the arrangement expedition in Tusheti 1947 2 manuscript, Meg. museum 19442
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 214 Sh.Aslanishvili report on the arrangement of expedition in Pshav-Khevsureti in 1948. 1948 13 manuscript,Meg. museum 19441
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 215 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s report \"An attempt to determine the content of some words in Georgian folk song\" text read in the office of Georgian folk creativity of the Tbilisi State Conservatoire 14.10.1952 23 manuscript, In Russian, Meg. museum 19255
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 216 Theses of Sh. Aslanishvili\'s report \"On the issue of names of dialects of Georgian folk songs\"/ The report was read at the session of the Art Council of the Tbilisi Conservatorire/ 1952 8 manuscript, Machine-printed, Meg. museum 19248
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 217 Thesese of Sh. Aslanishvili\'s report \"Elimination of conflict between the city and the village and the issues of musical folklore\" printed in the collection of theses of scientific sessions of the Tbilisi State Conservatoire. 04.05.1953 15 printing, in Russian and in Georgian , Meg. museum 19215
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 218 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s report \"The issue of the relationship between Russian, Ukrainian and Georgian musical folklore\", theses were printed in the collection of materials of the scientific session organized by the Tbilisi State Conservatoire dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the union of Ukraine with Russia. 1954 12 printing, in Georgian and in Russian
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 220 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s report \"Problems of musical heritage\" 12.12.1955 74 manuscript, In Russian, Meg. museum 19232
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 221 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s report \"For the comparative study of Georgian musical folklore.\" Theses printed in the materials of the first republican scientific meeting dedicated to issues of Georgian folklore 1956 13 printing. Meg. museum 19210
282 Shalva son of Solomon Aslanishvili 1896-18.12.1981 ( 1869-1991) 1 222 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s report \"Folk Origins of Harmony of Georgian Composers\" theses. Theses printed in the collection of theses of the 6th scientific session dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the October Socialist Revolution. 02.11.1957 14 printing, In Russian and in Georgian, Meg. museum 19216
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