Foundation N |
Name of the Foundation |
Record N |
Case N |
Document Name |
Date |
Number of Pages |
Note |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
89 |
K. Chilashvili\'s story \"Vai Dagekvebos\". |
Undated |
2 |
Machine-printed |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
90 |
L. Khatiashvili\'s story \"Mzechabuki\". |
23.12.1965 |
8 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
91 |
D. Khakhanashvili\'s stories: \"Soplis Tsqarostan\", Mekvle\", \"Zevsis Saluti\", \"Metqeve\", \"Sopleli Gogo\". |
12.04.1964 |
15 |
manuscript and Machine-printed |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
92 |
L. Khachiuri\'s story \"Atmis Qvavilebi\". |
Undated |
4 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
93 |
G. Jokhadze\'s story \"Sikharuli\". |
Undated |
4 |
Machine-printed |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
*Case N 94-108 Legends |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
94 |
Javakhetians legend \"Qars\" narrated by V. Bibaluridze. |
1953 |
3 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
95 |
Legend \"Khelebi, Mitsa da Mzechabuki\" narrated by O. Gabriadze, dedicated to I.A. Gagarin. |
27.01.1962 |
3 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
96 |
Legend \"Tskhrazmula\" narrated by N. Metreveli. |
Undated |
2 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
97 |
Legend \"Ankara\" narrated by P. Goniashvili. |
Undated |
4 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
98 |
Legends recorded by N. Gordeziani in Sakao village of Oni district. |
1970 |
10 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
99 |
Toponymic legend \"Rogor Tsarmoishva Kiptsikho, Chkhikuri, Sabaduri, Ghorghava\" and the legend \"Minda Tsisasa\" . recorded by Ak. Kereselidze , |
1961 1963 |
10 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
100 |
Legend \"Charkhis Tsqali\" narrated by N. Murjikneli. |
Undated |
3 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
101 |
Legend \"Mozvera Kva\" narrated by L. Gharibashvili. |
Undated |
2 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
102 |
Legend \"Kaliaqvana\" narrated by N. Pilishvili. |
Undated |
2 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
103 |
Legend \"Opoppatardzali\" narrated by Qarabulashvili. |
Undated |
3 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
104 |
Legend \"Kurmukhis Eklesiaze\" narrated by Shioshvili. |
Undated |
2 |
Machine-printed |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
105 |
Legend \"Adgilze\" recorded by T. Chkhaidze. |
Undated |
1 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
106 |
Legend \"Qvavis Eklesia\" narrated by M. Tskipurishvili. |
29.01.1962 |
4 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
107 |
Legend \"Tianetze\" recorded by N. Chedia in Zaridzeebi village. |
05.08.1964 |
1 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
108 |
Legend \"Naseskhebi\" recorded by G. Jinjilia. |
19.10.1962 |
2 |
Machine-printed |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
*Case N 109-149 Tales |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
109 |
Tales \"Shamilis Omis Shhatilshi\" and others narrated by G. Aludauri. |
16.01.1941 |
9 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
110 |
Tales \"Zurabis Galashkreba Khakhmatze\", \"Gormis Lashkroba\", \"Shamili\" and others recorded by M. Aludauri. |
Undated |
6 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
111 |
Tales Erekles Tsqaro\", \"Ilias Tsqaro\", \"Tsru Kniazi\" and others recorded by N. Akhobadze. |
30.10 12.12. 1949 |
14 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
112 |
The Tale narrated by S. Balakhashvili about how villages were named in Akhaltsikhe district. |
25.03.1962 |
1 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
113 |
The Tale \"Dushetis Tsikheze\" narrated by M. Buchukuri. |
Undated |
2 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
114 |
The Tale \"Mdzakhlebze\" narrated by Gabrichidze. |
Undated |
2 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
115 |
Tales narrated by I. Gavasheli. |
Undated |
3 |
manuscript |
45 |
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the Georgian SSR (collection of documents of Georgian bards) (1900- 1970) |
2 |
116 |
The Tale \"Alisubanze\" narrated by Al. Gubeladze. |
22.01.1962 |
1 |
manuscript |