Accounting Unit number Production Number Document name Author of music and lyrics Performer, Speaker Time and place of record Delivery organization, date of delivery Record duration Record speed Note
6316 С8414 Laskkruli Folk Vocal-instrumental ensemble. artistic director: A. Kiladze 1975 2\'50 38.0
6316 C8415 Mze Folk Vocal-instrumental ensemble. artistic director: A. Kiladze 1975 2\'33 38.0
6316 C8412 Sakhumaro (Gurian) Folk Vocal-instrumental ensemble. artistic director: A. Kiladze 1975 3\'03 38.0
6316 C8413 Sheni tskheni tokhariki Folk Vocal-instrumental ensemble. artistic director: A. Kiladze 1975 1\'44 38.0
6317 С8446 Kiza kurti Folk T. Shiraze, Sh. Razmike, M. Zhorae – (Duduki). R. Grishae (Dapi) 6.02.1976 4\'14 38.0
6317 С8447 To badavi Folk A. Gozala, accompanied by Sh. Razmike. M. Zhorae (Duduki) 6.02.1976 2\'51 38.0
6317 С8448 Tringi Folk Shiko-Pirk Razmike Rza Grishae (Duduki) 6.02.1976 2\'22 38.0
6317 С8449 Gulishan Folk O. Shiraze, Shiko-Mai Razmike, Mraz Zhorae (Duduki), Rza Grishae-(Dapi) 6.02.1976 2\'53 38.0
6317 С8451 Mughami Folk O. Shiraze, Shiko-Mai Razmike, Mraz Zhorae (Duduki), Rza Grishae-(Dapi) 6.02.1976 4\'35 38.0
6317 C8452 Mairoke Folk T. Shiraze, Sh. Razmike (Salamur), M. Zhorae (Duduki), R. Grishae (Dapi) 6.02.1976 2\'08 38.0
6317 С8453 Daste mn barda Folk T. Shiraze, Sh. Razmike (Salamur), M. Zhorae (Duduki), R. Grishae (Dapi) 6.02.1976 2\'14 38.0
6317 С8454 Zaria mn Folk Ans Gozala, Shikomai Razmike, Mraz Zhorae (Duduki), Rza Grishae (Dapi) 6.02.1976 2\'22 38.0
6317 С8455 Gorend Folk Shiko-Pirk Razmike, Mraz Zhorae (Dapi) 6.02.1976 2\'15 38.0
6318 C8456 Zurna Folk Kasm Sharoe (Pirky), Bayloz Valie (Dapi), Zapt Mishae (Duduki) 6.02.1976 2\'39 38.0
6318 C8457 Daike Folk Zaze Khana, Bayloz Valie (Dapi), Zapt Mishae (Duduki) 6.02.1976 5\'18 38.0
6318 С8458 Barane Folk Zaze Khana, Kasm Sharoe (Duduki), Zapt Mishae (Duduki), Bayloz Valie (Duduki), Zayad Parukhov (Dapi) 6.02.1976 4\'33 38.0
6318 C8459 Ai, le, le Folk Liane Panian, Kasm Sharoe (Mai), Zant Mishae (Duduki), Bayloz Valie (Duduki), Zayd Parukhov (Dapi) 6.02.1976 2\'15 38.0
6318 С8460 Chachane Folk Zaze Khana, Sharoe Kasmi (Duduki), Zant Mishae (Duduki), Bayloz Valie (Duduki), Zayd Parukhov (Dapi) 6.02.1976 2\'06 38.0
6318 C8461 Marsh Kurti Folk Kasm Sharoe (Pirki), Zapt Mishae (Duduki), Bayloz Valie (Dapi) 6.02.1976 1\'20 38.0
6318 С8462 Tovand Folk Shiks Razmike (Pirki), Mraz Zharoe 6.02.1976 4\'43 38.0
6318 C8463 Dil digri Folk Teimur Shiraze, Shiks Razmike (Mai), Mraz Zhorae (Duduki), Rza Grishae (Dapi) 6.02.1976 3\'15 38.0
6318 С8464 Sebra dila Folk Shiks Razmike (Mai), Mraz Zhorae (Duduki), Rza Grishae (Dapi) 6.02.1976 2\'43 38.0
6318 С8465 To kulilki Folk Rza Grishae, Shiks Razmike (Mai), Mraz Zhorae (Duduki) 6.02.1976
6318 C8466 Chav rash Folk Teimur Shiraze, Shiks Razmike (Mai), Mraz Zhorae (Duduki), Rza Grishae (Dapi) 6.02.1976 3\'22 38.0
6331 С8808 Muaed Folk Maya Beschokova, M. Pshikhachev - (Accordion), I. Donadze (doli) 14.06.1976 2\'41 38.0
6331 C8809 Gubgizhem it tkhieerikizhe Folk Maya Beschokova, M. Pshikhachev - (Accordion), I. Donadze (doli) 14.06.1976 2\'16 38.0
6331 C8810 Nepaitsae Folk Maya Beschokova, M. Pshikhachev - (Accordion), I. Donadze (doli) 14.06.1976 7\'40 38.0
6332 С8812 Leninge eir (Balkarian) Folk Sergey Bepaev, M. Pshikhachev (Accordion), I. Donadze (doli) 14.09.1976 1\'47 38.0
6332 С8813 Sakilau Folk Zoya Altueva, M. Pshikhachev (Accordion), I. Donadze (doli) 14.09.1976 3\'10 38.0
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