Accounting Unit number Production Number Document name Author of music and lyrics Performer, Speaker Time and place of record Delivery organization, date of delivery Record duration Record speed Note
6356 С9123 Kartuli satsekvao melodiebi Folk Shermadin Darchiashvili (Salamuri), Ensemble of folk instruments 10.01.1977 2\'24 38.0
6356 C9124 Popuri Kartuli simgherebis temebze Folk Shermadin Darchiashvili (Salamuri), Ensemble of folk instruments 10.01.1977 1\'48 38.0
6433 Siqvaruli ar ikneba dzalada Folk Vocal ensemble Shvidkatsa. Head: J. Kakhidze Central Historical Archive of Film-Photo-Phono Documents of Georgian SSR. 1978 0\'53 76.0
6433 Zhuzhuna tsvima Folk Vocal ensemble Shvidkatsa. Head: J. Kakhidze Film Studio Georgian Film 1\'35 76.0
6482 39578/4 Namgluri Folk Vocal Ensemble Gordela 1967 Georgian Radio 1978 2\'25 38.0
6482 Khasanbegura Folk Vocal Ensemble Gordela 1967 2\'25 38.0
6483 39578/5 Chela Folk Vocal Ensemble Gordela 1967 2\'15 38.0
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