Accounting Unit Number Production Number Document Name Author of Music and Lyrics Performer, Speaker Time and Place of Record Delivery Organization, Date of Delivery Record Duration Record Speed Note
1317 01216 Apsadgil azi asha (simghera samshobloze) R. Gumba State Ensemble of Song and Dance of Abkhazia. Soloists: R. Marbolia, V. Kokoskeria. Head: V. Tsargushi (Accompanied by Folk Instruments) 12.11.1963 2\'55 38\'0
1318 01217 Keraz Folk lyrics, arranged by B. Baghatelia Honored ensemble of song and dance of the Abkhaz ASSR. Head: V. Tsargushi. Soloist: A. Khagba 13.11.1963 3\'25 38.0
1319 01218 Kuachala R. Gumba. Lyrics by B. Shinkuba State Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Abkhaz ASSR. Soloists: R. Markholia, A. Khagba. Head: V. Tsargushi (accompanied by Accordion and Chonguri) 12.11.1963 3\'20 38.0
1320 01219 Abziabara asha (satrpialo simghera) R. Gumba. lyrics B. Shinkuba State Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Abkhaz ASSR. Head: V. Tsargushi (accompanied by Accordion and Chonguri) 12.11.1963 2\'52 38.0
1321 01220 Asharatsatsa rlap asha (monadiris sakhumaro simghera) I. Kortua State Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Abkhaz ASSR. Soloists: S. Chkotua, N. Tania, P. Ladaria. Conductor: Kh. Akhba 13.11.1963 2\'06 38.0
1322 01221 Khajarat R. Gumba State Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Abkhaz ASSR. Head: V. Tsargushi (accompanied by instrumental ensemble) 13.11.1963 2\'49 38.0
133 01223 Lenin izi asha A. Chachba, lyrics by K. Lomiaა State Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Abkhaz ASSR. Head: Kh. Ashaba. Soloist: A. Khagba 1.11.1963 3\'22 38.0
1324 01224 Apsni azi asha (simghera Apkhazetze) B. Baghatelia. Lyrics by T. Chkheidze Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Abkhaz ASSR. Soloists: Z. Mikia, N. Tania, F. Ladaria. Head: I. Tsargushi (accompanied by Chonguri) 12.11.1963 2\'26 38.0
1325 01225 Agurgaraz arkuashaga asha (satsekvao) Folk State Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Abkhaz ASSR. Head: V. Tsargushi. Accompanied by instrumental ensembleვ 1.11.1963 1\'00 38.0
1330 0778 Indi mindi Folk Vocal ensemble. Head: M. Koroshinadze. Soloists: G. Sikharulidze, S. Megrelishvili and D. Chavleishvili 2.11.1962 2\'09 38.0
1332 0760 Satrpialo Folk Song ensemble. Head: M. Koroshinadze 12.10.1962 2\'33 38.0
1333 0747 Simghera Leninze Folk Song ensemble. Head: M. Koroshinadze 10.08.1962 2\'15 38.0
1334 0720 Tsoli gamididgulda Folk Honored Song and Dance Ensemble of Georgia. Head: A. Kavsadze. Soloist. M. Makharadze 7.08.1962 2\'20 38.0
1335 0721 Chakrulo Folk Honored Song and Dance Ensemble of Georgia. Head: A. Kavsadze. Soloists: I. Zakaidze and R. Saghinashvili 7.08.1962 5\'14 38.0
1336 0732 Glesav da glesav, namgalo Folk Honored Song and Dance Ensemble of Georgia. Head: A. Kavsadze 7.08.1962 3\'22 38.0
1337 0733 Gushin shvidni Gurjanelni Folk Honored Song and Dance Ensemble of Georgia. Head: A. Kavsadze 7.08.1962 3\'50 38.0
1338 0749 Tebrone midis tsqalzeda Folk Honored Song and Dance Ensemble of Georgia. Head: A. Kavsadze. Soloist R. Davitiani 10.08.1962 2\'49 38.0
1339 0750 Saeklesio mravalzhamieri Folk Honored Song and Dance Ensemble of Georgia. Head: A. Kavsadze. Soloist: M. Makharadze 10.08.1962 1\'28 38.0
1340 0751 Tetro bato Folk Honored Song and Dance Ensemble of Georgia. Head: A. Kavsadze. Soloist: R. Davitiani 10.08.1962 5\'07 38.0
1341 0752 Erekheli Folk Honored Song and Dance Ensemble of Georgia. Head: A. Kavsadze 10.08.1962 1\'33 38.0
1342 0753 Ochesh khvei Folk Honored Song and Dance Ensemble of Georgia. Head: A. Kavsadze 29.08.1962 3\'09 38.0
1373 0740 Maqris dzakhili Folk G. Nasqidashvili (first Zurna), M. Adamashvili (second Zurna), G. Zakharov (Doli) 30.07.1962 1\'54 38.0
1374 0736 Dilis saari Folk G. Nasqidashvili (first Zurna), M. Adamashvili (second Zurna), G. Zakharov (Doli) 30.07.1962 2\'53 38.0
1375 0742 Banis tsekva Folk G. Nasqidashvili (first Zurna), M. Adamashvili (second Zurna), G. Zakharov (Doli) 30.07.1962 1\'26 38.0
1376 0741 Maqris gatsileba Folk G. Nasqidashvili (first Zurna), M. Adamashvili (second Zurna), G. Zakharov (Doli) 30.07.1962 1\'30 38.0
1377 0735 Sachidao Folk G. Nasqidashvili (first Zurna), M. Adamashvili (second Zurna), G. Zakharov (Doli) 30.07.1962 1\'05 38.0
1378 0743 Sajirito Folk G. Nasqidashvili (first Zurna), M. Adamashvili (second Zurna), G. Zakharov (Doli) 30.07.1962 1\'10 38.0
1388 0466 Garekakhuri sachidao Folk Honored Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Georgian SSR 13.02.1962 2\'50 38.0
1389 0163 Maqruli(Megrelian) Folk Honored Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Georgian SSR 14.02.1962 1\'25 76.0
1390 0162 Shavlego Folk Georgian State Ensemble of Song and Dance. Head: A. Kavsadze 14.02.1962 2\'06 76.0
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