Accounting Unit Number Production Number Document Name Author of Music and Lyrics Performer, Speaker Time and Place of Record Delivery Organization, Date of Delivery Record Duration Record Speed Note
1441 1078 Orovela Folk Nino Togonidze 10.05.1963 2\'30 38.0
1442 1074 Shashvi-kakabi\' Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: A. Karseladze. Soloists: Sh. Kovziridze and A. Sarajishvili 9.05.1963 2\'21 38.0
1443 1075 Chaguna Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: A. Karseladze. Soloists: S. Mirtskhulava and V. Svanidze 9.05.1963 2\'24 38.0
1444 1076 Suliko Music by V. Tsereteli, lyrics by A. Tsereteli Vocal ensemble. Head: A. Karseladze 17.05.1963 3\'42 38.0
1445 1079 Gaprindi, shavo-merskhalo Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: A. Karseladze. Soloist: N. Togonidze 9.05.1963 3\'14 38.0
1446 1080 Tsangala da gogona Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: A. Karseladze 9.05.1963 2\'58 38.0
1447 1086 Mravalzhamieri Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: A. Karseladze. Soloists: Sh. Kovziridze and A. Sarajishvili 22.05.1963 3\'54 38.0
1448 1087 Tamaris drosha Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: A. Karseladze 22.05.1963 1\'48 38.0
1449 1093 Sakolmeurneo Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: A. Karseladze 17.05.1963 2\'19 38.0
1454 01061 Baghi bulbulit avsila A. Sayat-Nova Irakli Uchaneishvili accompanied by an Ensemble of Duduki players 26.04.1963 3\'27 38.0
1455 0992 Shirazi (Baiati) Folk G. Kasemov (Tar) 16.04.1963 5\'05 38.0
1456 1101 Pantazia A. Mailiani S. Seiriani (Tar) 20.05.1963 3\'09 38.0
1479 0830 Simghera Sakatrveloze Folk Vocal Choir of the Culture House of Khobi district 6.01.1963 1\'30 38.0
1569 0239 Chemi Akhali Folk M. Qaralashvili (Accordion), G. Sukiasov (Doli) 1961 1\'37 76.0
1570 0241 Kaklis toti Folk M. Qaralashvili (Accordion), G. Sukiasov (Doli) 1961 1\'37 76.0
1571 0240 Mamiseuli Folk M. Qaralashvili (Accordion), G. Sukiasov (Doli) 1961 1\'20 76.0
1572 0242 Dzveleburi Folk M. Qaralashvili (Accordion), G. Sukiasov (Doli) 1961 1\'25 76.0
1573 0823 Tselo, mousvi balakhsa Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: A. Karseladze. Soloist: A. Sarajishvili 18.01.1963 1\'39 38.0
1574 0808 Tsanash dashdugh Folk Vocal Choir of the Culture House of Lentekhi district 6.06.1963 2\'55 38.0
1594 0609 Tbilisi (dance) Folk A. Baryamov with E. Abdullaev and G. Mirzoev 22.03.1962 2\'14 38.0
1604 1046 Tbilisi (dance) Folk S. Danelian (Solo Clarinet), A. Sarkisian (second Duduk), A. Avetisov (Buben) 23.04.1963 3\'37 38.0
1612 0456 Kviria Folk Georgian State Ensemble of Song and Dance. Soloists: G. Gonashvili and R. Davitashvili. Head: A. Kavsadzeე 12.02.1962 3\'42 38.0
1613 0807 Lentekhuri mgzavruli Folk Vocal Choir of the Culture House of Lentekhi district. Head: J. Mesheliani, accompanied by Chuniri and Changi 6.01.1963 2\'07 38.0
1614 0683 Mengzavrale lagral Folk Vocal-instrumental ensemble. Head: M. Shukvani 27.05.1962 2\'42 38.0
1615 1222 Lenin azi asha (simghera Leninze) R. Gumba State Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Abkhaz ASSR. Conductor: Kh. Akhba, soloists: Z. Gumba and A. Khagba accompanied by instrumental ensemble 1.11.1963 2\'10 38.0
1616 0331 Simghera samas Aragvelze\' Folk. Lyrics I.Tunturishvili Ilia Zakaidze (accompanied by Panduri) 27.09.1961 3\'40 76.0
1617 0284 Tamaris koshiთ Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: M. Tarkhnishvili. Soloists: - T. Chkheidze, M. Chankvetadze 24.08.1961 2\'55 76.0
1640 0918 Damekhseni (poem) Folk. Lyrics by A. Sayat-Nova Elene Qipshidze accompanied by Ensemble of Duduki players 26.04.1963 2\'58 38.0
1648 0475 Riho Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: M. Shukvani 15.02.1962 3\'19 38.0
1656 0474 Irinola Folk Boys\' Vocal Ensemble. Head: M. Shukvani 15.02.1962 3\'00 38.0
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