Accounting Unit number Production Number Document name Author of music and lyrics Performer, Speaker Time and place of record Delivery organization, date of delivery Record duration Record speed Note
9031 ? Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 2\'25
9031 Sakortsilo Satsekvao Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 2\'22
9031 Sakortsilo Satsekvao Apkhertsaze Folk With the Choir Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 1\'20
9031 Paris dzoveba (Acharpanze) (Кормление стада) Folk Solo Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 2\'25
9031 Apkhertsaze Folk With the Choir Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 2\'00
9031 Mrda amta (Mravalzhamieri) Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 3\'00
9031 Песня о мире Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 2\'30
9031 ? Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 1\'30
9031 ? Satsekvao Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 4\'30
9031 ? Satsekvao Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
9032 Apkhazian songs: Parazia Folk 1956/1973 Abkhaz ASSR, Sokhumi city Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 2\'26 38\'0
9032 Кофточка Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 4\'00
9032 Сапчера Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 2\'00
9032 Song about Inapkha Kiaguaze Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 1\'20
9032 Itoriul gmiruli Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 4\'25
9032 Antitsa Folk Joking Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 1\'50
9032 Svan song. It is starts ApkhazianOri varada Folk Performed by Abkhazians Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 4\'00
9032 Sharatini (Satsekvao) Folk Performed by Abkhazians Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 1\'10
9032 Simghera ritsaze Folk Performed by Abkhazians Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 2\'00
9032 Datvis motatseba. Gogonas simghera Folk Performed by Abkhazians Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 1\'30
9032 Ertkhmiani Apkhazuri Melodia Folk Performed by Abkhazians Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 0\'40
9032 Monadiris simghera Folk Performed by elders Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
9033 Apkhazian song: Kharazia Folk Abkhaz ASSR, Sokhumi city, 1956/1973 Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 38\'0
9033 Melodia Acherpanze Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 3\'40
9033 Melodia Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
9033 Sharda aamta Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 2\'05
9033 Simghera partiaze Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 2\'15
9033 Simghera aibaze Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 2\'15
9033 Pshkach Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 2\'30
9033 Azar Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 2\'25
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