Accounting Unit number Production Number Document name Author of music and lyrics Performer, Speaker Time and place of record Delivery organization, date of delivery Record duration Record speed Note
9035 ? Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 1\'10
9035 Karav ? Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 1\'00
9035 Sokhumze (О Сухуме) Gumba Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 2\'50
9035 Kharazia (Харазия) Kortua Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 1\'20
9035 Махаджир (уход) Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 1\'20
9035 ? Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 3\'10
9035 Azamat Folk Joking Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 1\'30
9035 About the homeland (О родине) Chkotua (Чкотуа) Performed by the Ensemble Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
9036 Dedis Tirili (Плач матери) Folk Performed by the Ensemble Abkhaz ASSR, Sokhumi city, 1956/1973 Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 3\'16 38\'0
9036 Azar (Азар) Folk Performed by the Ensemble Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 2\'00
9036 Mergoluri (Звеневая) Folk Performed by the Ensemble Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 2\'20
9036 Simghera Apkhazetze Folk Performed by the Ensemble Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 2\'28
9037 Apkhazian songs: Narta aresha Folk Public-Heroic Abkhaz ASSR, Sokhumi city, 1956/1973 Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 1\'38 38\'0
9037 Astol rama Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 2\'00
9037 Cholokua Folk Heroic Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“ 3\'00
9037 Akhanip rasha Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
9037 Akhanip rasha Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
9037 Vada arama Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
9037 Dachrilis simghera Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
9037 Kharazia (Харазия) Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
9037 Белая кофточка Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
9037 Sanchara Folk Heroic Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
9037 Sanchara Satsekvao Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
9037 Acharpanze Folk Choir Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
9037 Antitsa Folk Joking Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
9037 Mixed (Svan Megrelian Apkhazian) Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
9037 Sharatini Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
9037 Song about Ritsa lake (Песня об озере Рица) Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
9037 Papis simgheraა (Песня деда) Folk Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
9038 Abazgian songs Folk 1957/1973 Gramophone Records Studio „Melodia“
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