Accounting Unit number Production Number Document name Author of music and lyrics Performer, Speaker Time and place of record Delivery organization, date of delivery Record duration Record speed Note
5273 17841 Mogoneba Tedo Razikashvilze Eter Razikashvili – T. Razikashvili\'s Daughter 6.12.1964 Georgian SSR Radio Committee 1973 11\'30 38.0
5324 27231 Mravalzhmaieri Folk Song\'s Ensemble 30.12.1961 39\'00 38.0
5324 27231 Shen khar venakhi Folk Song\'s Ensemble 30.12.1961 39\'00 38.0
5342 Oboli Folk. Lyrics by S. Mghvimeli Tatyana Makharadze rerecorded 1973 Central Historical Archive of Film-Photo-Phono Documents of Georgian SSR, 1973 2\'35 19.0
5343 Tsintsqaro Folk Vocal ensemble. Head:: A. Megrelidze rerecorded 1973 2\'45 19.0
5344 Zamtari Folk Ethnographic Choir of Western Georgia. Head: K. Pachkoria. Soloists: D. Vashakmadze and I. Mchedlishvili rerecorded 1973 2\'20 19.0
5345 Mravalzhamieri Folk Ethnographic Choir of Eastern Georgia. Head: S. Kavsadze. Gigusha and Data Kavsadze rerecorded 1973 2\'50 19.0
5346 Metivuri Folk Ethnographic Choir of Eastern Georgia. Head: S. Kavsadze. Gigusha and Data Kavsadze rerecorded 1973 2\'20 19.0
5347 Zamtari Folk Ethnographic Choir of Eastern Georgia. Head: S. Kavsadze. Gigusha and Data Kavsadze rerecorded 19.12.1973 2\'20 19.0
5348 Chavukhtet Baratashvilsa Folk Ethnographic Choir of Eastern Georgia. Head: S. Kavsadze. Gigusha and Data Kavsadze rerecorded 19.12.1973 2\'35 19.0
5349 Garekakhuri satsekvao Folk V. Mchedlishvili and M. Jighauri with Choir rerecorded 19.12.1973 1\'40 19.0
5412 27458 Movdivart, mogvikharia (Maro Tarkhnishvilis dabadebidan 60 tsistavisadmi midzghvnil saiubileo saghamoze) Folk The self-operating ensemble of the Tbilisi cooperative enterprise. Head: M. Tarkhnishvili 24.12.1957 Georgian SSR Radio Committee, 1974 15\'00 38.0
5412 Bicho, mamalma iqivla Folk The self-operating ensemble of the Tbilisi cooperative enterprise. Head: M. Tarkhnishvili. Soloist: M. Tarkhnishvili
5412 Sopleli glekhis shvili var Folk The self-operating ensemble of the Tbilisi cooperative enterprise. Head: M. Tarkhnishvili
5412 Simghera, midzghvnili Maro Tarkhnishvilisadmi Folk Honored Ensemble of Song and Dance of Georgia. Head: A. Tsagareishvili, Conductors: Gvelesiani and Mchedlishvili
5412 Orovela Folk The self-operating ensemble of the Tbilisi cooperative enterprise. Head: M. Tarkhnishvili
5418 27672 Introduction speech at the anniversary evening dedicated to the 90th anniversary of composer D. Araqishvili\'s birth. City of Tbilisi Shalva Mshvelidze (composer) 5.04.1965 41\'00 38.0
5418 reportageage about D. Araqishvili\'s life and work, read at the anniversary evening dedicated to the 90th anniversary of D. Araqishvili\'s birth. City of Tbilisi Grigol Chkhikvadze (Professor) 5.04.1965 41\'00 38.0
5418 27672 Welcome speech at the anniversary evening dedicated to the 90th anniversary of D. Araqishvili\'s birth. City of Tbilisi M. Khashba (music critic) 5.04.1965 37\'00 38.0
5448 Shen khar venakhi Folk Vocal Ensemble Gordela rerecorded1974 2\'10 38.0
5448 Simghera Folk Vocal Ensemble Gordela rerecorded 1974 2\'35 38.0
5448 Aliluia Folk Vocal Ensemble Gordela rerecorded 1974 1\'44 38.0
5448 Ghmerti upali Folk Vocal Ensemble Gordela rerecorded 1974 2\'00 38.0
5448 Ghvtismshobeli Folk Vocal Ensemble Gordela rerecorded 1974 3\'16 38.0
5449 Potpurri of Georgian folk songs Folk Leila Tsverikmazashvili, Manana Betiashvili, Mzia Mukhataridze rerecorded 1974 38.0
5449 Potpourri of Imeretian songs Folk Vocal quartet of Tbilisi Foreign Languages Institute: M. Darbaiseli, M. Mkheidze, V. Akhvlediani, M. Akhvlediani rerecorded 1974 38.0
5449 Potpurri of Georgian folk songs Folk Vocal quartet Tbilisi rerecorded1974 38.0
5464 9 Folk songs recorded for films: Mumli mukhasa; morbis aragvi Folk Song\'s Ensemble 1958/59 8\'00 76.0
5467 111 Dalie da shegergeba Folk Song\'s Ensemble 1961/62 20\'00 76.0
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