Accounting Unit number Storage unit number Production Number Document name Author of music and lyrics Performer, Speaker Time and place of record Delivery organization, date of delivery Record duration Record speed Note
9452 7. Gergetula Gergeti It\'s hard to hear, it ends prematurely
9452 8. Dideba (2 version) Gergeti
9452 9. Dzveli smuri Gergeti
9452 10. Dideba Gergeti
9452 11. Shiola Ghudushauri Beginner: Nikala Gelashvili Gergeti
9452 12. Mtibluri (Shatil mokhokhda khokhobi) Beginner: Isaak Piranishvili Gergeti
9452 13. Dideba (2 version) Khevi, Sno village
9452 14. Smuri (Mokhevian) Khevi, Sno village From the rolls of the phonograph-rerecorded
9452 15. Shiola Ghudushauri Khevi, Sno village
9452 16. Shiola Ghudushauri Accompanied by Panduri Khevi, Sno village
17.Perkhuli (2 version) I version: Givargi Tamaskhanov (Beginner, I voice) and Jakhota Khutsishvili (II voice). II version: Levan and Jakhota Khutsishvili Gergeti village
9452 18. Smuri speaker: Beso Gelashvili Khevi, Sno village
9452 19. Mgzavruli da satsekvao Aleksi Shaduri (On Panduri) Qazbegi
9452 20. Satsekvao Aleksi Shaduri (On Panduri) Qazbegi
9453 1p. 24/1 Turketshi mtskhovreb Kartvelta simgherebi (Laz songs are recorded by Peter Gold) Istanbul, 24.07.1968 Kakhi Rosebashvili (2017)
9453 1. ᴥol Havasi Destan (Vol Havasi Destan (Road Ballad) Folk Jevet Topaloghli (Accompanied by Tulum) Istanbul, 24.07.1968 28\'23 9,05
9453 2. Aslanderuli sopluri Jevet Topaloghli (Accompanied by Tulum) Istanbul, 24.07.1968
9453 3. Gogonas tsekva khelsakhotsit Jevet Topaloghli (Accompanied by Tulum) Istanbul, 24.07.1968
9453 4. Rize-pazaruli satsekvao melodia Jevet Topaloghli (Accompanied by Tulum) Istanbul, 24.07.1968
9453 5.Kartuli simgherebi. Nanina (with 2 voice) Choir of Herie village Herie village, 20.07.1968
9453 6. Voso vorera Choir of Herie village Herie village, 20.07.1968
9453 7. Alipasha (with 2 voice) Choir of Herie village Herie village, 20.07.1968
9453 8. Dedoplis song (with 2 voice) Choir of Herie village Herie village, 20.07.1968 It is very similar to Maqruli of Achqvistavi
9453 9. Tirini harirama It is performed alternately by the speaker and the Choir Herie village, 20.07.1968
9453 2p. 24/2 10.Pachvis song (for the labour) It is performed alternately by the speaker and the Choir Herie village, 20.07.1968 23\'17
9453 11. Vin mogitana Gulnara Khinkiladze Bursa, 25.07.1968
9453 12. Nardanina nanina Gulnara Khinkiladze Bursa, 25.07.1968
9453 13. Chem dav Gulnara Khinkiladze Bursa, 25.07.1968
9453 14. Satrpialosong Kemal Azik Armutalan, 30.07.1968
9453 15. Qolsama Salik Saving (on Accordion with Buttons) Herie village, 18.07.1968
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