Accounting Unit number Production Number Document name Author of music and lyrics Performer, Speaker Delivery organization, date of delivery
2974 6781 Sakortsilo (Apkhazuri) Folk Georgian-Abkhazian State Ethnographic Choir. Head: K. Gegechkori
2974 6785 Sharatin Folk Georgian-Abkhazian State Ethnographic Choir. Head: K. Gegechkori
2975 6782 Dachrilis simghera Folk Georgian-Abkhazian State Ethnographic Choir. Head: K. Gegechkori
2975 6784 Azar Folk Georgian-Abkhazian State Ethnographic Choir. Head: K. Gegechkori
2976 6786 Satamasho (Rachuli) Folk B. A. Burdiladze (Gudastviri)
2976 7007 Rdzal-dedamtili Folk B. A. Burdiladze (Gudastviri)
2981 7009 Khorumi Folk E. Surmanidze
2981 7010 Lekuri Folk E. Surmanidze
2990 8378 A) Sakolmeurneo; B) Satsekvao Folk Children\'s Choir. Head: I. Papiashvili. Soloist: Meri Baramidze (11 years old). Tamara Maghradze (12 years old)
2990 8379 Lashkruli (Kakhuri) Folk Choir of primary students of Tbilisi 18th School. Head: I. P. Papiashvili. Soloist: Tamara Maghradze
2991 8931 Simghera Rustavelze Folk G. V. Vardiashvili (Panduri)
2991 8934 Shairebi Folk G. V. Vardiashvili (Panduri)
2993 9292 Chonguruli Folk State Ethnographic Choir of Western Georgia. Head: K. Pachkoria
2993 9293 Meureme Folk State Ethnographic Choir of Western Georgia. Head: K. Pachkoria
2994 9494 Ocheshkhvei Folk United Collective Farms\' Ensemble of Song and Dance . Head: R. Shelegia. Soloist: N. Khurtsia. N. Kakachia, N. Karchilava, V. Apshilava
2994 9496 Utu Mikava Folk United Collective Farms\' Ensemble of Song and Dance . Head: R. Shelegia.
2995 9495 Dalie Folk United Collective Farms\' Ensemble of Song and Dance . Head: R. Shelegia. Soloist: N. Khurtsia. S. Bakradze, N. Karchilava, A. Karchilava
2995 9574 Satrpialo Folk United Collective Farms\' Ensemble of Song and Dance. Head: R. Shelegia. Soloists: T. and N. Kakachia, N. Khurtsia, and K. Khoperia
2996 9497 Simghera Stalinze Folk United Collective Farms\' Ensemble of Song and Dance. Head: R. Shelegia. Soloist: I. Mukbaniani (accompanied by Chuniri)
2996 9505 Shen rom zari chamohkari Folk United Collective Farms\' Ensemble of Song and Dance. Head: R. Shelegia. Soloists: Sh. Japaridze, L. Shelegia and S. Bakradze
2999 9506 Did Stalins (dasatsqisi) Edited by Megrelidze United Collective Farms\' Ensemble of Song and Dance. Head: R. Shelegia. Soloists: L. Shelegia and S. Bakradze
2999 9507 Did Stalins (dasasruli) Edited by Megrelidze United Collective Farms\' Ensemble of Song and Dance. Head: R. Shelegia. Soloists: S. Bakradze
3000 10392 Iavnana Folk A. Vardiashvili (actor of Shota Rustaveli State Drama Theatre), Kh. Talgaukov, G. Demetrashvili and L. Baghdasarov (Duduks).
3000 10393 Mokhevis kalo Tinao Folk A. Vardiashvili (actor of Shota Rustaveli State Drama Theatre), Kh. Talgaukov, G. Demetrashvili and L. Baghdasarov (Duduks), G. Chkhiradze (drum)
3001 10394 Lekuri Folk Kh. Talgaukov, G. Demetrashvili, L. Baghdasarov (Duduk) and G. Chkhiradze (drum)
3009 15736 Veengara, nana, skua Folk Georgian Radio Committee Ensemble. Head: A. Megrelidze
3009 15737 Kartuli satsekvao Folk G. Garuchava (Chonguri)
3010 15738 Simghera gmir Bukhaidzeze Lyrics by I. Abashidze State Ensemble of chonguri players. Head: A. Potskhverashvili
3010 15739 Gamarjvebis simghera Folk State Ensemble of chonguri players. Head: A. Potskhverashvili
3011 15740 Salami samshoblos Folk Choir of self-creation of Georgian Cooperatives\' Union. Head: V. Makharadze
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