Accounting Unit number Production Number Document name Author of music and lyrics Performer, Speaker Delivery organization, date of delivery
2611 Narodnaya kavalerskaya Edited by V. Tsargushi. Lyrics by R. Jopua. Folk State Ensemble of Song and Dance of Abkhazia. Artistic director: V. Tsargushi
2611 д032030 Dzioua Edited by A. Chichba. Folk State Ensemble of Song and Dance of Abkhazia. Artistic director: V. Tsargushi
2611 Sanakhavi Edited by V. Tsargushi. Lyrics - R. Jopua. Folk State Ensemble of Song and Dance of Abkhazia. Artistic director: V. Tsargushi
2611 Apkhazuri kortsili (satsekvao suita) Folk State Ensemble of Song and Dance of Abkhazia. Artistic director: V. Tsargushi
2642 д033261 Sami dzma da kosatquila Folk Elene Qipshidze
2642 Shuriani dzma Folk Merab Gegechkori
2642 Kokrochina Folk Merab Gegechkori
2642 д033262 Melia da mtsqerchita Folk Elene Qipshidze
2642 Mama da shvili Folk Merab Gegechkori
2642 Tsikara Folk Elene Qipshidze
2643 д033189 Datvi da melia Folk Elene Qipshidze
2643 Khutkunchula Folk Merab Gegechkori
2643 Ori kosatquila Folk Elene Qipshidze
2643 д033190 Muchanakhevara Folk Merab Gegechkori
2643 Oboli da kosatquila Folk Elene Qipshidze
2643 Uknara Folk Merab Gegechkori
2644 д033191 Bakia kurdgheli Folk Elene Qipshidze
2644 Okrostariani tsuli Folk Merab Gegechkori
2644 Nakhevarkatama Folk Elene Qipshidze
2644 Kharbi okromchedeli Folk Merab Gegechkori
2644 Katis mosarchle vepkhvi Folk Merab Gegechkori
2644 д033192 Chinchraka Folk Merab Gegechkori
2644 Melias eshmakoba Folk Elene Qipshidze
2644 Glekhi, datvi da melia Folk Merab Gegechkori
2650 18414 Tokhnuri Folk Georgian State Ensemble of Song and Dance. Head: K. Pachkoria. Conductor: I. Mchedlishvili From the family. 1974 year.
2650 18415 Sakortsilo Edited by I. Mchedlishvili Georgian State Ensemble of Song and Dance. Head: K. Pachkoria. Conductor: I. Mchedlishvili
2651 043 Sakhumaro tskipurtebi Folk Brother and sister Gogashvili (accompanied by Panduri)
2657 112 Sazeimo Folk Vocal ensemble of Chokhatauri district culture house
2670 д00035357 Otkhi nana Folk Boys\' Vocal Ensemble Bakhmaro
2670 Shromis simghera Edited by Salukvadze brothers Boys\' Vocal Ensemble Bakhmaro
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