Accounting Unit number Production Number Document name Author of music and lyrics Performer, Speaker Time and place of record Delivery organization, date of delivery
3161 37559 Diambego Folk Georgian State Ensemble of Song and Dance
3161 37560 Gandagan Folk Georgian State Ensemble of Song and Dance
3162 37561 Tskhenosnuri Folk Georgian State Ensemble of Song and Dance
3162 37562 Shashvi-kakabi Folk Georgian State Ensemble of Song and Dance
3163 37585 Sakhumaro (imeruli) Folk Kutaisi Promkombinat Song Ensemble
3163 37586 Qarachoghelebis simghera Folk Kutaisi Promkombinat Song Ensemble
3164 37727 Marebeli Folk Georgian State Ensemble of Song and Dance. Head: A. Kavsadze
3164 37728 Brdzana Solomon Folk Georgian State Ensemble of Song and Dance. Head: A. Kavsadze
3166 37779 Simghera samgorze K. Kaladze K. Ghoghoberidze and I. Zakaidze
3166 Mudam vmgheri Folk K. Ghoghoberidze and I. Zakaidze
3166 37780 Ai, kakheti Text by I. Noneshvili, Folk K. Ghoghoberidze and I. Zakaidze
3166 Mudam shen magondebi Text by R. Qenia K. Ghoghoberidze and I. Zakaidze
3167 37791 Tamaris koshi Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: M. Tarkhnishvili
3167 37792 Bicho, mamalma iqivla Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: M. Tarkhnishvili
3168 37819 Simindsa tokhna davutsqot Text by A. Tsereteli. Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: M. Tarkhnishvili
3168 37820 Mushuri Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: M. Tarkhnishvili
3174 39227 Khasanbegura Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: V. Berdzenishvili
3174 39228 Ali-pasha Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: V. Berdzenishvili
3176 39753 Satrpialo Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: M. Koroshanidze
3176 39754 Indi-mindi Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: M. Koroshanidze
3177 39965 Metivuri Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: A. Karseladze
3177 39966 Shemodzakhili Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: A. Karseladze
3178 39977 Tebrone midis tsqalzeda Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: A. Karseladze
3178 39978 Glesav da glesav, namgalo Folk Vocal Ensemble. Head: A. Karseladze
3179 40129 Tamar dedpal Folk Lentekhi district Culture House Vocal Ensemble. Head: J. Meshveliani
3179 40130 Mtsqemsis dzakhili Folk G. Bughadze (Accompanied by Panduri)
3186 д24904 Perkhuli (meskhuri) Processed by V. Maghradze. Folk Adigeni district choir, V. Tsitishvili, O. Gavasheli, G. Putkaradze (drum). Head: K. Ghoghoberidze.
3186 Shairebi (meskhuri) Processed by K. Ghoghoberidze Adigeni district choir, O. Gavasheli, I. Bagnikian, A. Tsimeridze (accordion ), G. Putkaradze (drum). Head:K. Ghoghoberidze.
3194 37737 Shemodzakhili Folk Georgian Song and Dance Boys\' Ensemble. Head: S. Gvelesiani
3194 37738 Mravalzhamieri tse-duri Folk Georgian Song and Dance Boys\' Ensemble. Head: S. Gvelesiani
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