Accounting\n N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
0 - 18699 World Youth Forum participants in Georgia 25-30/09/1964 1964 Tbilisi Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 10
0 - 18700 World Youth Forum participants in Georgia 25-30/09/1964 1964 Tbilisi Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 10
0 - 18701 World Youth Forum participants in Georgia 25-30/09/1964 1964 Tbilisi Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 10
0 - 18702 World Youth Forum participants in Georgia 25-30/09/1964 1964 Tbilisi Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 10
0 - 19035 Composer Shalva Mshvelidze with daughter and wife in the Country house in Ruza 1965 Moscow Oblast Personal Foundation donated by Music critic P. Khuchua Book 10
0 - 19036 Composer Shalva Mshvelidze in the Country house in Ruza 1965 Moscow Oblas Personal Foundation donated by Music critic P. Khuchua Book 10
0 - 19037 Composer Shalva Mshvelidze in the Country house in Ruza 1965 Moscow Oblas Personal Foundation donated by Music critic P. Khuchua Book 10
0 - 19038 Composer Shalva Mshvelidze in the Country house in Ruza 1965 Moscow Oblas Personal Foundation donated by Music critic P. Khuchua Book 10
0 - 19062 Decade of Georgian Art and Literature in Poland, posters on the streets of Warsaw 1959 Warsaw Personal Foundation donated by Music critic P. Khuchua Book 10
0 - 19064 Decade of Georgian Art and Literature in Poland, Members of the Georgian Delegation to Warsaw 1959 Warsaw Personal Foundation donated by Music critic P. Khuchua Book 10
0 - 19065 Decade of Georgian Art and Literature in Poland, Members of the Georgian Delegation to Warsaw 1959 Warsaw Personal Foundation donated by Music critic P. Khuchua Book 10
0 - 19066 Decade of Georgian Art and Literature in Poland, members of the Georgian delegation to Warsaw. M. Saakashvili, Academician Niko Muskhelishvili and Director of the Music School ed. Savitsky 1959 Warsaw Personal Foundation donated by Music critic P. Khuchua Book 10
Book 11
0 - 19110 Decor of Georgian Doli and Diplipito 1965 Tbilisi Personal Foundation donated by Music critic P. Khuchua Book 11
0 - 19302 The trip of the self-operating ensemble of the Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​to Czechoslovakia. Heads Vl. Machavariani and vice-rector of the institute G. G. Shioshvili 1963 Tbilisi Personal Foundation donated by Music critic P. Khuchua Book 11
0 - 19319 Meeting of self-operating ensemble of students of Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​with Czechoslovak guests. The dance is performed 1964 Tbilisi Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages Book 11
0 - 19320 Meeting of self-operating ensemble of students of Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​with Czechoslovak guests. One of the moments of the dance 1964 Tbilisi Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages Book 11
0 - 19753 School of Figure Dance. Outer view 1964 Tbilisi Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 11
0 - 19767 Tours of self-operating ensemble of the Democratic Republic of Germany in Tbilisi. Ensemble members get to know the city 1964 Tbilisi Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 11
0 - 19768 Tours of self-operating ensemble of the Democratic Republic of Germany in Tbilisi. Ensemble members get to know remarkable places 1964 Georgian SSR Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 11
0 - 19769 Tours of self-operating ensemble of the Democratic Republic of Germany in Tbilisi. Ensemble members get to know remarkable places 1964 Georgian SSR Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 11
0 - 19770 Tours of self-operating ensemble of the Democratic Republic of Germany in Tbilisi. Ensemble members get to know remarkable places 1964 Georgian SSR Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 11
0 - 19771 The concert of self-operating ensemble of the Democratic Republic of Germany 1964 Georgian SSR Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 11
0 - 19772 The concert of self-operating ensemble of the Democratic Republic of Germany 1964 Georgian SSR Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 11
0 - 19804 Inspection of the artistic self-action of workers and employees of the Republic of Georgia. The dance is performed 1964 Georgian SSR Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 11
0 - 19805 Inspection of the artistic self-action of workers and employees of the Republic of Georgia. The dance is performed 1964 Georgian SSR Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 11
0 - 19806 Inspection of the artistic self-action of workers and employees of the Republic of Georgia. The choir performs the song 1964 Georgian SSR Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 11
0 - 19807 Inspection of the artistic self-action of workers and employees of the Republic of Georgia. The dance is performed 1964 Georgian SSR Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 11
Book 12
0 - 19882 Arrival of the Ensemble Berikozka in Tbilisi. Ensemble members at Agrodrome 1965 Georgian SSR Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 12
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