Accounting\n N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
0 - 22945 Sports Palace, Ukrainian Art Masters Concert at Tbilisi Sports Palace, one of the moments of dance 1963 Tbilisi Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 13
0 - 22946 Sports Palace, Ukrainian Art Masters Concert at Tbilisi Sports Palace, Stage view 1963 Tbilisi Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 13
0 - 22947 Sports Palace, Ukrainian Masters of Arts Concert at Tbilisi Sports Palace, the vocal pieces are performed 1963 Tbilisi Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 13
0 - 22948 Sports Palace, Ukrainian Art Masters Concert at Tbilisi Sports Palace, Vocal duet is performed 1963 Tbilisi Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 13
0 - 22949 Sports Palace, Ukrainian Masters of Arts Concert at Tbilisi Sports Palace, the vocal pieces are performed 1963 Tbilisi Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 13
0 - 22950 Sports Palace, Ukrainian Masters of Arts Concert at Tbilisi Sports Palace, one of the actors with a microphone 1963 Tbilisi Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 13
0 - 22951 Sports Palace, Ukrainian Masters of Arts Concert at Tbilisi Sports Palace, one of the actors with a microphone 1963 Tbilisi Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 13
0 - 22968 Performance of Georgian SSR Dance Honored Ensemble led by Nino Ramishvili and Iliko Sukhishvili at the city stadium in Gudauta. One of the moments of the dance 1961 Gudauta Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 13
0 - 23038 Tbilisi Officers\' House. Examination of the artistic self-operating collectives of the Transcaucasian Military District. The song is performed 1957 Tbilisi Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 13
0 - 23039 Tbilisi Officers\' House. Examination of the artistic self-operating collectives of the Transcaucasian Military District. The song is performed 1957 Tbilisi Photochronicle of the Georgian Telegraph Agency Book 13
0 - 23072 Actor V. Gunia in Sighnaghi / Invited to the direct Samshoblo/. In the group: S.Saakashvili, N.Dzidzia, M.Tqavadze, Il.Sarajishvili / Vano\'s younger brother are standing/, in the 2nd row: Actress Maka Andronikashvili, V.Vardiashvili, V.Gunia, Maro Tarkhnishvili-Jandierisa, Nino Vachnadze, Kitishvili are sitting. Below: M. Janiashvili and Giorgi Sarajishvili /Vano\'s older brother 1918 Sighnaghi Book 13
Book 15
0 - 23486 Song Circle in Tsemi 1940 Tsemi Book 15
0 - 23487 Lado Kavsadze in the choir of singers 1934 Tsaghveri Book 15
0 - 23488 Lado Kavsadze in the choir of singers 1934 Tsaghveri Book 15
0 - 23489 Lado Kavsadze among Children Book 15
0 - 23490 Lado Kavsadze in the choir of singers Book 15
0 - 23491 Lado Kavsadze while studying in gymnasium Book 15
0 - 23492 Lado Kavsadze at Bicycle Book 15
0 - 23493 Lado Kavsadze in the choir of singers Book 15
0 - 23494 Lado Kavsadze in the choir of singers Book 15
0 - 23862 Choirmaster of the self-operating choir - Kitsi Gegechkori [1930-იანი] From the State Committee of Radio and Television Book 15
0 - 23863 Choirmaster of the self-operating choir - Kitsi Gegechkori Book 15
0 - 24011 Participants of the Chant Teachers\' Meeting of Theological Seminary in Tbilisi: N. Sulkhanishvili /Tbilisi/, N.Sharabidze / Tbilisi/, Gegechkori / Senaki/, Sokolov / Sokhumi/; Sitting: Danovsky, M. Elizbarashvili / Telavi/, V.K. Voskresenki / Tbilisi/, R.Khundadze /Kutaisi/ [1905-1906 Years/ Tbilisi From the State Committee of Radio and Television Book 15
Book 16
0 - 24815 Dancers\' ensemble of the Culture House of Rustavi headed by B. Darakhvelidze. soloists G. Darakhvelidze and A. Gelashvili perform the dance Mokhevuri 1967 Rustavi Gabrichidze\'s Photo Book 16
0 - 24833 Makaridze,the member of the self-operating ensemble of the culture house of Shuakhevi, performs the dance 1967 Shuakhevi V. Grishenko\'s Photo Book 16
0 - 24951 A choir of dancers of Tbilisi\'s Gorky Culture House visiting the Self-action Olympics of Ukrainian Food Industry Workers in Kyiv 1967 Kyiv Book 16
0 - 24952 Members of self-operating collective of Gorky Culture House visiting the self-operating collective Olympics of Ukrainian Food Industry Workers 1967 Kyiv Book 16
0 - 24953 Bandurists Concert of the Kiev Food Industry Workers\' Culture House on the stage of the Gorky Culture House 1968 Tbilisi Book 16
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