Accounting N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
0 - 38995 Singer Vladimer / Lado / Germesashvili in the choir /First from the Right / B. Korinteli, V.S.Tsirghiladze, G.Gogichadze 1834 Tbilisi
0 - 38996 A choir of singers stand from the left - M. Kukhianidze, Sh. Tsirghladze, sitting - V.Germesashvili, G.Gogichadze 1936-37 Tbilisi
0 - 38997 Singer Vladimer / Lado/Germesashvili. In the group from the left sitting: E.B. Vronsky, Bukhnikashvili, V.Navrozashvili, standing - Khomashuridze, Vl.Germesashvili 1930 s Tbilisi
0 - 38998 Singer Vladimer / Lado/Germesashvili. In the group from the left: O. Dimitriadi, Vl.Kandelaki, V.Navrozashvili, Vl.Germesashvili, Evgeni Mikeladze 1930 s Tbilisi
0 - 38999 Singer Vladimer / Lado/Germesashvili in the group. Members of A. Maisuradze Singers\' Choir 1929 Oni
0 - 39000 Singer Vladimer / Lado/Germesashvili in the group. Members of A. Maisuradze Singers\' Choir. The singer P.Amiranashvili is sitting on the tree, Vl.Germesashvili is standing, Khaburdzania, NKhoshtaria/P.Amiranashvli\'s spouse/, V.N.Khomasuridze are sitting 1929 Tbilisi
0 - 39060 Portrait of Shalva Mshvelidze 1949 Moscow Purchased from E. Obedova
0 - 39063 Portrait of A. Balanchivadze 1949 Moscow Purchased from E. Obedova
0 - 39064 Portrait of Dimitri Araqishvili 1949 Moscow Purchased from E. Obedova
0 - 39133 The 2nd part of the ceremonial session dedicatedto the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin. One of the participants of the concert sings 1970 Tbilisi Received from the Georgian News Agency
0 - 39134 The 2nd part of the ceremonial session dedicatedto the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin. Performance of the choir 1970 Tbilisi Received from the Georgian News Agency
0 - 39187 M. Kukhianidze Achara State Ensemble of Song and Dance. Patima Kobaladze, Honored Artist of Georgia in the center, Dance \"Sazeimo\" Center 1969 Batumi Photochronicle of the Georgian News Agency
0 - 39193 Self-operating orchestra of folk instruments of Kobuleti School # 1. Head: Union Festival Laureate Shermandi Darchiashvili 1970 Kobuleti Photochronicle of the Georgian News Agency
0 - 39267 People\'s Master Isidore Davitashvili during the doing of Pandurი 1970 Tbilisi Photochronicle of the Georgian News Agency
0 - 40068 London.Albert-Hall. Posters about the concerts of the ensemble of the Georgian Dancers 1959 London P.Khuchua
0 - 40069 London.Albert-Hall. Posters about the concerts of the ensemble of the Georgian Dancers 1959 London P.Khuchua
0 - 40232 T.S.U. Dancer Ensemble 1968 Tbilisi Georgian Photochronicle
0 - 40526 Composer Shalva Mshvelidze and his spouse during dinner
0 - 40527 Composer Shalva Mshvelidze and his spouse
0 - 40528 Composer Shalva Mshvelidze. Portrait
0 - 40529 Composer Shalva Mshvelidze and his spouse
0 - 40530 Composer Shalva Mshvelidze during work
0 - 40578 Composer S. Tsintsadze with the vocal ensemble \"Rustavi\"
0 - 40697 Honored atist of the Georgian SSR, choirmaster Valerian son of Ambako Gogitidze
0 - 40698 Poet Gabriel Jabushanuri. Portrait 1949 Tbilisi
0 - 40699 Poet Gabriel Jabushanuri
0 - 40700 Poet Gabriel Jabushanuri. Portrait
0 - 40701 Poet Gabriel Jabushanuri with friends.
0 - 40702 Poet Gabriel Jabushanuri with loved ones.
0 - 40703 Poet Gabriel Jabushanuri with loved ones
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