Accounting N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
0 - 40704 The poet Gabriel Jabushanuri with his spouse Sara and brother Tsitska.
0 - 40705 Poet Gabriel Jabushanuri with loved ones
0 - 40712 Song choir consisting of Iv. Gorgadze\'s family members Chokhatauri
0 - 40713 Song choir consisting of Iv. Gorgadze\'s family members
0 - 40714 Song choir consisting of Iv. Gorgadze\'s family members
0 - 40715 Song choir consisting of Iv. Gorgadze\'s family members
0 - 40725 Zestaponi Song and Dance Ensemble in Central Asia.
0 - 40726 Zestaponi Song and Dance Ensemble Choreographer M. Shubashvili with ensemble members
0 - 40727 Zestaponi Song and Dance Ensemble Choreographer M.Shubashvili
0 - 40728 Zestaponi Song and Dance Ensemble Choreographer M.Shubashvili
0 - 41066 Master of Georgian folk instruments - I. Mgaloblishvili while working in the workshop.
0 - 41067 Master of Georgian folk instruments - I. Mgaloblishvili while working in the workshop.
0 - 41068 Master of Georgian folk instruments - I. Mgaloblishvili while working in the workshop.
0 - 41069 Master of Georgian folk instruments - I. Mgaloblishvili while working in the workshop.
0 - 41081 Master of Folk Songs - Vladimer Erkomaishvili 1970 Tbilisi
0 - 41082 Photoreproduction of the invitation card to attend the anniversary of Artem and Vladimer sons of Giorgi Erkomaishvili, the masters of Georgian Folk Songs 1957 Makharadze district
0 - 41083 The master of Georgian Folk Songs - Vladimer Erkomaishvili Makharadze district
0 - 41084 The master of Georgian Folk Songs - Vladimer Erkomaishvili Makharadze district
0 - 41085 The master of Georgian Folk Songs - Vladimer Erkomaishvili with the members of the ensemble Makharadze district
0 - 41086 Honored Artusts of the Georgian SSR Erkomaishvili Brothers Makharadze district
0 - 41120 Choirmaster Iona Todua with friends
0 - 41121 Choirmaster Iona Todua with relatives
0 - 41122 Choirmaster Iona Todua with comrades
0 - 41123 Choirmaster Iona Todua with comrades
0 - 41124 Choirmaster Iona Todua with comrades
0 - 41125 Choirmaster Iona Todua with students
0 - 41126 Choirmaster Iona Todua with students
0 - 41127 Choirmaster Iona Todua with students
0 - 41128 Choirmaster Iona Todua with students
0 - 41129 Choirmaster Iona Todua. Portrait
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