Accounting N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
0 - 54013 Iliko Sukhishvili, Artistic Director of the State Ensemble of Georgian Folk Dance and Brazilian footballer Pele. [1965-70 years] Brazil From television 1984
0 - 54028 Choreographer Jano / Irakli / Bagrationi. Portrait [1950]
0 - 54029 Choreographer Jano / Irakli / Bagrationi. Portrait [1960] Tbilisi From television 1984
0 - 54030 Choreographer Jano / Irakli / Bagrationi. Portrait [1960] Tbilisi From television 1984
0 - 54031 Choreographer Jano /Irakl/ Bagrationi talks to acquaintances [1970] Tbilisi From television 1984
0 - 54032 Choreographer Jano / Irakli / Bagrationi. Portrait [1960] Tbilisi From television 1984
0 - 54081 Choirmaster Platon Khuhua. Portrait [1950] Tbilisi From television
0 - 54082 Choirmaster Platon Khuhua. Portrait [1960] Tbilisi From television
0 - 54083 Choirmaster Platon Khuhua. Portrait [1960] Tbilisi From television
0 - 54084 Choirmaster Platon Khuhua [1960] From television 1984
0 - 54085 Choirmaster Platon Khukhua with a self-operating choir. /Fourth in the second row/ [1950] Tbilisi From television 1984
0 - 54086 Choirmaster Platon Khukhua and Veriko Anjaparidze [1960] Tbilisi From television 1984
0 - 54087 Choirmaster Platon Khukhua with children [1960] Tbilisi From television 1984
0 - 54088 Choirmaster [Tripon] Khuhua [1960] Tbilisi From television 1984
0 - 54089 Choirmaster [Tripon] Khuhua [1960] Tbilisi From television 1984
0 - 54172 Choirmaster Vano Abashidze. Portrait [1930] [Tbilisi] From television 1984
0 - 54173 Choirmaster Vano Abashidze with the choir. [1940] [Tbilisi] From television 1984
0 - 54174 Choirmaster Vano Abashidze. Portrait [1950] [Tbilisi] From television 1984
0 - 54175 Choirmaster Vano Abashidze with the singers; choir. [1960] [Tbilisi] From television 1984
0 - 54176 Vano Abashidze\'s choir while performing the song. [1960] [Tbilisi] From television 1984
0 - 54177 Choirmaster Vano Abashidze with the singers; choir. [1960] [Tbilisi] From television 1984
0 - 54178 Choirmaster Vano Abashidze choir [1960] [Tbilisi] From television 1984
0 - 54179 Choirmaster Vano Abashidze choir while performing the song. [1960] [Tbilisi] From television 1984
0 - 54180 Singers\' choir of composer Shalva Mshvelidze [1930] [Tbilisi] From television 1984
0 - 54182 Singer Mary Shieldell. Portrait [1940] [Tbilisi] From television 1984
0 - 54183 Singer Mary Shieldell with her mother and sister. [1920] [Tbilisi] From television 1984
0 - 54184 Singer Mary Shieldell while performing the song. [1950] [Tbilisi] From television 1984
0 - 54185 Singer Mary Shieldell while performing the song. [1960] [Tbilisi] From television 1984
0 - 54186 Singer Mary Shildeli among the loved ones / Mary second in the second row, Gogutsa Kuprashvili first in the first row [1960] [Tbilisi] From television 1984
0 - 54203 State Conservatoire. Department of Music Theory. Shalva Aslanishvili, Head of the Department in Group 1967 Tbilisi From the Conservatoire
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