Accounting N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
0 - 73391 Olympics of self-operating folklore collectives in the trade union palace. 3/24/1980 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze
0 - 73392 Olympics of self-operating folklore collectives in the trade union palace. 3/24/1980 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze
0 - 73393 Olympics of self-operating folklore collectives in the trade union palace. 3/24/1980 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze
0 - 73394 Olympics of self-operating folklore collectives in the trade union palace. 3/24/1980 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze
0 - 73395 Olympics of self-operating folklore collectives in the trade union palace. 3/24/1980 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze
0 - 73396 Olympics of self-operating folklore collectives in the trade union palace. 3/24/1980 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze
0 - 73397 Olympics of self-operating folklore collectives in the trade union palace. 3/24/1980 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze
0 - 73398 Olympics of self-operating folklore collectives in the trade union palace. 3/24/1980 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze
0 - 73399 Olympics of self-operating folklore collectives in the trade union palace. 3/24/1980 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze
0 - 73400 Olympics of self-operating folklore collectives in the trade union palace. 3/24/1980 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze
0 - 73401 Olympics of self-operating folklore collectives in the trade union palace. 3/24/1980 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze
0 - 73402 Olympics of self-operating folklore collectives in the trade union palace. 3/24/1980 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze
0 - 73403 Olympics of self-operating folklore collectives in the trade union palace. 3/24/1980 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze
0 - 73404 Olympics of self-operating folklore collectives in the trade union palace. 3/24/1980 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze
0 - 73405 Olympics of self-operating folklore collectives in the trade union palace. 3/24/1980 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze
0 - 72225 A celebration dedicated to Victory Day at Karishkhala Stadium. Dancers 5/9/1965 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze
0 - 72226 A celebration dedicated to Victory Day at Karishkhala Stadium. Dancers 5/9/1965 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze
0 - 71696 Song \"Siqrme Sibered Vaktsie\" autograph, undated
0 - 71697 Song \"Siqrme Sibered Vaktsie\" autograph, undated
0 - 71698 Song \"Siqrme Sibered Vaktsie\" autograph, undated
0 - 71727 Simghera \"Bavshvobashits Deda Miqvarda\", here Is the poem without beginning \"Es Gikvirs? Tquilad Gikvirs\" autograph, undated
0 - 71728 Simghera \"Bavshvobashits Deda Miqvarda\", here Is the poem without beginning \"Es Gikvirs? Tquilad Gikvirs\" autograph, undated
0 - 71729 Simghera \"Bavshvobashits Deda Miqvarda\", here Is the poem without beginning \"Es Gikvirs? Tquilad Gikvirs\" autograph, undated
0 - 71750 Kapia / I dedicate it to M. G. Eristavi / autograph, udated
0 - 71751 Kapia / I dedicate it to M. G. Eristavi / autograph, udated
0 - 71752 Kapia / I dedicate it to M. G. Eristavi / autograph, udated
0 - 71780 1. Songs 2.Luka Razikashvili\'s book of songs /1886/ 3. Songs 4. Songs
0 - 71781 1. Songs 2.Luka Razikashvili\'s book of songs /1886/ 3. Songs 4. Songs
0 - 71782 1. Songs 2.Luka Razikashvili\'s book of songs /1886/ 3. Songs 4. Songs
0 - 71783 1. Songs 2.Luka Razikashvili\'s book of songs /1886/ 3. Songs 4. Songs
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