Accounting N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
0 - 69839 The Day of Tbilisi in the Ethnographic Museum. Chorepgraphic Ensemble at the Celebration of Day of Tbilisi. 10/24/1998 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze Collection
0 - 69840 The Day of Tbilisi in the Ethnographic Museum. Chorepgraphic Ensemble at the Celebration of Day of Tbilisi. 10/24/1998 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze Collection
0 - 69106 Concert of Children\'s Choreographic Ensemble at the People\'s Farm Achievement Exhibition Pavilion 6/8/1985 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze Collection
0 - 69107 Concert of Children\'s Choreographic Ensemble at the People\'s Farm Achievement Exhibition Pavilion 6/8/1985 Tbilisi Shalva Gokadze Collection
0 - 75378 Ensemble \"Kelaptari\" 3/5/1998 Shalva Gokadze Collection
0 - 75379 Ensemble \"Kelaptari\" 3/5/1998 Shalva Gokadze Collection
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