Accounting N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
0 - 55916 Professor Ksenia Sikharulidze in the group. [1930s]
0 - 55917 Professor Ksenia Sikharulidze during his time in folk expedition. 1950s
0 - 55918 Professor Ksenia Sikharulidze during his time in folk expedition. 1950s
0 - 55919 Professor Ksenia Sikharulidze during his time in folk expedition. 1950s
0 - 55920 Professor Ksenia daughter of Aleksi Sikharulidze while working 1960-65 Tbilisi
0 - 55921 Professor Ksenia Sikharulidze, Academician Ilia Vekua, Academician Akaki Shanidze, and Academician Simon Qaukhchishvili [1960s]
0 - 55922 Professor Ksenia Sikharulidze and Giorgi Leonidze [1960s]
0 - 56226 Vocal ensemble of Boys of TV and Radio headed by Mamia Khatelishvili 1975 Tbilisi
0 - 56349 Georgian Folk Song and Dance Ensemble headed by Tsagareishvili 1951 Tbilisi Raskin
0 - 56350 Georgian Folk Song and Dance Ensemble headed by Tsagareishvili 1951 Tbilisi Raskin
0 - 56351 Georgian Folk Song and Dance Ensemble headed by Tsagareishvili 1951 Tbilisi Raskin
0 - 56352 Ensemble soloists perform the dance \"Georgian\" 1951 Tbilisi Raskin
0 - 56353 Ensemble soloists perform the dance \"Georgian\" 1951 Tbilisi Raskin
0 - 56753 Honored artist famous master of Georgian folk song Varlam Simonishvili with friends. 1920s
0 - 56754 Varlam Simonishvili in the group 1930s
0 - 56755 Varlam Simonishvili and Akvsenti Megrelidze 1930s
0 - 56756 Gurian ethnographic choir headed by Varlam Simonishvili /in the center/ 1935
0 - 56757 Gurian ethnographic choir headed by Varlam Simonishvili /in the center/ 1930s
0 - 56758 Gurian ethnographic choir headed by Varlam Simonishvili 1930s
0 - 56759 Varlam Simonishvili\' student famous performer of Gurian songs Varlam Vashalomidze 1930s
0 - 56760 Varlam Simonishvili\'s student Esse Chanishvili 1950s Makharadze district
0 - 56761 Varlam Simonishvili\'s choir member Mikheil Shavishvili 1960s Makharadze district
0 - 56762 Varlam Simonishvili\'s student Doment Karchava 1960s Makharadze district
0 - 56763 Varlam Simonishvili\'s choir member Telemak Iobishvili 1960s Makharadze district
0 - 56764 Varlam Simonishvili\'s choir members: T.Iobishvili and K.Abashmadze 1960s Makharadze district
0 - 56765 Varlam Simonishvili\'s choir member Ilarion Intskirveli 1960s Makharadze district
0 - 56766 Varlam Simonishvili\'s students and his successors: E. Chanishvili, D.Karchava, M.Shavishvili, I.Intskirveli, T.Iobishvili, V.Abashmadze 1960s Makharadze district
0 - 56767 Famous choirmaster S.Iashvili. Portrait [1940s]
0 - 56768 Famous choirmaster S.Iashvili. Portrait [1950s] Tbilisi
0 - 56769 Khashuri Ethnographic Choir, headed by S. Iashvili /in the center/ 1939-1940 Khashuri
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