Foundation N |
Name of the foundation |
Accountს N |
Case N |
Document name |
Date |
Number of pages |
Note |
5 |
Chancellery of the head of the main division of the civil department of the Caucasus |
1 |
6075 |
о разрешении туземным туземным музыкантам (зурначам) использования их ремесла, без применения полицией ограничительных мер Allowing local musicians (players of Zurna) to continue their activities without police restraints |
1880 |
In Russian |
441 |
Tbilisi First Boys\' Gymnasium |
1 |
664 |
О подготовке к празднованию в августе 1879 г. 50-летнего юбилея Тифлисской гимназии (About preparations for the 50th anniversary of the Tbilisi Gymnasium, in August 1879) |
1878 |
In Russian |
441 |
Tbilisi First Boys\' Gymnasium |
1 |
775 |
О праздновании 50-летнего юбилея гимназии и о представлении по этому случаю служанщих к наградам (About the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the gymnasium and the awarding of employees in connection with it)) |
1880 |
56 |
In Russian |
441 |
Tbilisi First Boys\' Gymnasium |
1 |
1167 |
О проведении концерта в Тифлисском собрании в пользу учашихся гимназии (About holding a concert in Tbilisi City Council for the benefit of gymnasium students) |
15 January-26 February, 1886 |
In Russian |
480 |
Caucasus Censorship Committee |
1 |
65 |
Об изображениях, картах, фотографических карточках и нотах, ввезенных из за границы в Кавказский край (about images, maps, photographs and notes brought to the Caucasus from abroad) |
1870 |
29 |
In Russian |
480 |
Caucasus Censorship Committee |
1 |
89 |
Об изображениях, картах, нотах, фотографических карточках и других предметах, ввезенных из за границы в Кавказский край (about images, maps, notes, photographs and other objects brought to the Caucasus from abroad) |
1871 |
34 |
In Russian |
480 |
Caucasus Censorship Committee |
1 |
145 |
О картинах, рисунках, музыкальных нотах, ввезенных из за границы 1878 году в Кавказский край (about pictures, drawings, notes brought to the Caucasus from abroad in 1873) |
1873 |
41 |
In Russian |
480 |
Caucasus Censorship Committee |
1 |
216 |
О иностранных книгах, картин, музыкальных нотах, ввезенных в Кавказский край (about books, pictures, notes brought to the Caucasus from abroad) |
1875 |
191 |
In Russian |
480 |
Caucasus Censorship Committee |
1 |
1326 |
Два сержанта, драма в 3 действиях, перевод с италянского Коридзе Ф. (Two sergeants - drama in three acts. Translated from Italian by P. Koridze) |
1895 |
90 |
In Russian |
480 |
Caucasus Censorship Committee |
2 |
1153 |
Амирани, драма в 3 действиях и 9 картинах, Карбелашвили (Amirani - drama in three acts and nine pictures, Karbelashvili) |
1915 |
46 |
In Russian |
480 |
Caucasus Censorship Committee |
2 |
539 |
Ашенд Сакартвело (Студенты) сцены из жизни студентов грузин, Поцхверашвили К.Г. (Georgia was built - scenes from the lives of Georgian students, K.G. Potskhverashvili) |
1910 |
In Russian |
480 |
Caucasus Censorship Committee |
2 |
37 |
О разрешении Каргаретели И. издавать в Тифлисе газету „Талга“ (Волна); на грузинском языке и о привлечении Каргаретели к ответственности (The right of I. Kargaretli to publish the newspaper \"Talgha\" in Georgian in Tbilisi) |
1906 |
12 |
In Russian |
480 |
Caucasus Censorship Committee |
2 |
365 |
О разрешении художнику Каргаретели И. издавать в Тифлисе газету „Картули самусико газети“ на грузинском языке (To give artist I. Kargaretli the right to publish Georgian music newspaper in Tbilisi) |
1909 |
3 |
In Russian |
480 |
Caucasus Censorship Committee |
1 |
105 |
Циркуляр главного управления по делам печати о недопущении на сценах отдельных сцен, пения куплетов и чтения стихов, хотя и напечатанных, но не бывших в рассмотрении драматической цензуры (Circular of the Chief Press Relations Division, prohibiting the singing of certain scenes, couplets, and reading of poems on the stage, which have been published but not reviewed by the Dramatic Censor) |
1871 |
1 |
In Russian |
481 |
Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians |
1 |
14 |
Correspondence with the societies for the allowance of Tbilisi school children and restoration of church chanting about finding material support for recording chants for V. Karbelashvili |
1879 November 30 - 1880 June 13 |
3 |
481 |
Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians |
115 |
Correspondence with various persons about the publication of the works presented by them at the expense of the society. Protected in the case: A. Qazbegi\'s report on the printing of \"People\'s Poems and Aphorisms\". |
1886 January 14 - September 5 |
31 |
481 |
Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians |
110 |
Income-disbursement report of the musical-literary evening held for the benefit of the community |
1886 November 20 - December 21 |
9 |
481 |
Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians |
170 |
Statements of Niko Khizanishvili, Mose Janashvili, Seit Gamrekeli, Vasil Karbelashvili and others about requesting books for them from the library of the society. |
1888 February 26 - December 23 |
5 |
481 |
Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians |
201 |
Correspondence with Razhden Khundadze about the sale of his books |
1888 September 1 - 1894 June 17 |
8 |
481 |
Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians |
219 |
Requests of Petre Umikashvili. T. Kezeli, Vasil Karbelashvili and other teachers to find aid for public schools |
1889 January 2 - October 16 |
13 |
481 |
Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians |
321 |
Correspondence with the management board of the association of Georgians for the publishing of books, for the publication of folk oral tradition, for sending the books \"Three Historical Chronicles\" and \"New version of St. Nino\'s life\" to the scientific academy and signing a contract with Kote Qipiani. |
1891წ. February 4 - November 12 |
5 |
481 |
Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians |
361 |
Addresses of Vl. Aghniashvili, Z. Chichinadze and other authors about publishing their works |
1892 April 23 - December 4 |
15 |
481 |
Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians |
394 |
Statements of P. Karbelashvili, Ant. Natroshvili and other authors about the publication of their works |
1893 January 15 - December 20 |
12 |
481 |
Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians |
6749 |
Correspondence with Lado Aghniashvili about the return of the books published by him |
1893 July 3 |
2 |
481 |
Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians |
445 |
Statements of Zakaria son of Ivane Chkhikvadze about the publication of the book \"Georgian Folk Songs\" compiled by him |
1894 November 1 - 1895 September 36 |
6 |
481 |
Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians |
7112 |
Extracts from the accounts of the books taken by N. Qubaneishvili, M. Kelenjeridze, P. Karbelashvili and others |
1894წ. - 1918წ. |
8 |
481 |
Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians |
534 |
Addressing various authors to the board of society about the publication of their works; The case preserves: Meliton Balanchivadze\'s report on the recording and publication of Georgian folk songs |
1896 February 22 - October 29 |
10 |
481 |
Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians |
606 |
Correspondence with V. Karbelashvili, Nik. Avalishvili and other persons and institutions about the purchase of books |
1897 May 2 |
2 |
481 |
Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians |
608 |
Requests: of Tedo Sakhokia to collect oral traditions, of Kuchukashvili (Shio Mghvimeli) about giving money as a loan for the treatment |
1897 June 9 -June 10 |
2 |