Foundation N Name of the foundation Accountს N Case N Document name Date Number of pages Note
481 Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians 633 Correspondence with the Georgian dramatic society, V. Karbelashvili and others about requesting books and manuscripts from the library of the society 1898 May 7 - December 29 11
481 Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians 691 Correspondence with Ilia Kargareteli about the publication of Georgian folk songs recorded by him 1899 April 29 - November 11 8
481 Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians 750 P. Koridze\'s reports on publishing folk songs 1900 January 15 - November 24 8
481 Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians 787 Correspondence to various schools and libraries about finding help; In the case it is preserved: Z. Paliashvili\'s letters to P. Mirianashvili 1901 January 11 - December 55
481 Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians 6659 Minutes of the meeting of the board of society. A report on the publication of artistic writings and folk oral traditions 1903 June 21 - 1907 March 1 2
481 Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians 908 Reports about the publication of Georgian national songs of Z. Paliashvili and D. Araqishvili 1903 March 13 - 1905 April 18 4
481 Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians 882 Statements of Z. Paliashvili, Nino Nakashidze and other persons and institutions about finding help for them 1903 January 7 - November 10 30
481 Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians 1028 Correspondence with P. Karbelashvili, Doctor Vakhtang Gambashidze and others about requests for old manuscripts from the library-museum 1906წ. January 16 - November 3 12
481 Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians 6884 Call for the establishment of a pantheon in Didube for the burial of deceased Georgian figures; The case preserves: the program of the concert (old Georgian chants) held for the benefit of this pantheon 1916წ. January 1 - December 31 9
481 Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians 6202 Statement of Dzuku Lolua, a book seller in Sokhumi, and the Board\'s resolution on giving books to him (Lolua) as a loan 1916 February 9 3
481 Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians 6419 Correspondence with board members about the publication of Khakhanashvili\'s \"History of Georgian Verbalism\". 1917 December 20 - 1918 May 20 4
481 Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians 6622 Correspondence with Ia Kargareteli about the publication of \"History of Georgian Music\". 1921 April 8 - 1922 November 10 3
481 Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians 6618 Correspondence with Ia Kargareteli about the publication of songs-chants (notes) 1921წ. February 1 - July 22 22
481 Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians 6647 Correspondence with various institutions and requests regarding the organization of an anniversary holiday to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Zakaria Chichinadze, 35th anniversary of Ia Kargareteli and 40th anniversary of Arthur Leist. 1922 February 14 - April 5 9
481 Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians 2 3079 List of debtors whoyou owe the public debt; Preserved in the case: Zakaria Paliashvili\'s answer, 24 copies taken from the Philharmonic Society about the sale of \"Mravalzhamieri\". 18.11.1904 - 14.12.1914 8
481 Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians 5065 Correspondence about Vakhtang Sarajishvili\'s scholarship appointment 19.07.1914 - 19.01.1917 8
481 Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians 7068 Folk tales, legends and samples of Georgian writing Undated 7
481 Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians Folk poems, collected from a stranger Undated 25
730 Estate son of Mate Mirianashvili 1 Georgian texts of folk oral tradition collected in Mtskheta 1891წ. 13
730 Estate son of Mate Mirianashvili Photograph. Estate Mirianashvili, photographed with relatives and friends: with the composer Araqishvili, Mikheil Zandukeli and others Undated 5
763 Meliksed-beg son of Leon Melixed 1 96 Georgian sources about Sayat Nova Undated 60 Machine-Printed
763 Meliksed-beg son of Leon Melixed 97 Sayat-Nova Undated 18 Manuscript, the ifrst and the last part are missing, in Armenian
763 Meliksed-beg son of Leon Melixed 98 Notes on Sayat Nova, genealogy and his unknown Armenian poems, translated from Armenian by L. Meliksed-beg. Undated 26 Manuscript, Missing
763 Meliksed-beg son of Leon Melixed 99 \"Iona Khelashvili in Armenia and Sayat Nova\", summary Undated 2 Manuscript
763 Meliksed-beg son of Leon Melixed 100 Pearls of Eastern classics in Sayat Nova\'s songs Undated 6 Manuscript, in Armenian
763 Meliksed-beg son of Leon Melixed 101 For the issue of Sayat Nova\'s participation in Nadir-Shah\'s company in India Undated 18 Manuscript, in French
763 Meliksed-beg son of Leon Melixed 113 Sayat Nova\'s unpublished poems Undated 19 Manuscript, in Armenian
763 Meliksed-beg son of Leon Melixed 114 Hrachya Acharian and the Sayat Nova\'s problem Undated 25 Manuscript, in Armenian
763 Meliksed-beg son of Leon Melixed 144 Hrachya Acharian and the Sayat Nova Undated 9 Manuscript, in Armenian
763 Meliksed-beg son of Leon Melixed 168 The second period of Sayat Nova\'s life and work. An article dedicated to the 250th anniversary of Sayat Nova Undated 4 Manuscript, in Armenian
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