Foundation N Name of the foundation Accountს N Case N Document name Date Number of pages Note
1683 Anchiskhati Cathedral of Tbilisi 1 76 Отношение Грузинского епархиального училищного совета заведующему Анчисхаткою церковно-приходскою школою священнику Карбелову П. о сообщении сведении о законоучителе Анчискатской церковно-приходской школы дьакона собора Окромчедлове Николае (из россыпи) (Directive of the Diocesan School Council of Georgia regarding the transfer of information about the parish school teacher, deacon Nikoloz Okromchedlov to the head of the cathedral P. Karbelov) 1903 In Russian
1683 Anchiskhati Cathedral of Tbilisi 1 81 Рапорт настоятела Карбелова П. об осмотре церковного дома в ограде собора, архитектором Бильфельдом, и установлении его непригодности для жилья (из россыпи) (P. Karbelov\'s report on architect Bielefeld\'s inspection of the building in the cathedral\'s wall and its declaration that it is unfit for habitation) 1904 3 In Russian
1683 Anchiskhati Cathedral of Tbilisi 1 82 Отношение благочинного Тифлисских церквей настоятелю собора священнику Карбелову П. о переводе дьякона собора Окромчедлова Н. и о назначении на его место Канделаки Исаака (из россыпи) (Appeal of Blaghochin of Tbilisi churches to the head of the cathedral, priest P. Karbelov, about the transfer of deacon N. Okromchedlov and the appointment of Isaac Kandelaki in his place) 1904 1 In Russian
1683 Anchiskhati Cathedral of Tbilisi 1 83 Отношение благочинного Тифлисских церквей настоятелю собора священнику Карбелову П. о назначении Белуева И.Л. старостой собора (из россыпи) (Appeal of Blaghochin of Tbilisi cathedral to P. Karbelov, head of Anchiskhati cathedral on appointment of I. L. Beluev as the head of the cathedral) 1904 1 In Russian
1683 Anchiskhati Cathedral of Tbilisi 1 89 Отношение канцелярии экзарха Грузии настоятелю собора Карбелову П. о назначении бывшего ученика Телавского духовного училища Гелдиашвили Арчила псаломщиком собора (из россыпи (Appeal of the Chancellery of the hea priest of Georgia to the Head of the Cathedral, P. Karbelov, regarding the appointment of Archil Geldiashvili, a former student of Telavi Theological School, as a dyachok of the Cathedral) 1907 2 In Russian
1683 Anchiskhati Cathedral of Tbilisi 1 122 Сведения об Анчисхаткой церковно-приходской школе о личном составе школы (из россыпи) (Information about the personnel of Anchiskhati Parish School) Undated 4 In Russian
1683 Anchiskhati Cathedral of Tbilisi 1 123 Список учеников Анчисхаткой церковно-приходской школы (из россыпи) (List of Anchiskhati parish school students) Undated 1 In Russian
1694 Peter-Paul German School of Tbilisi 1 46 Ноты светских и церковных песен (notes of secular and church songs) Undated In Russian
1753 Bochoridze Giorgi son of Tadeozi 1 110 Folk tales and sayings, recorded by G. Bochoridze in Kavtiskhevi village 1920 3
1753 Bochoridze Giorgi son of Tadeozi 112 Description of the historical monuments of Dusheti Uezd (the case preserves the folk tale about the construction of Lomisa by Vakhtang Gorgasali) 1923-1930 269
1753 Bochoridze Giorgi son of Tadeozi 117 Folk tales and poems about the capture of Bakhtrionი Castle. Notebook 2 1930-1936 79
1753 Bochoridze Giorgi son of Tadeozi 143 About religious holidays, folk treatment and table rules. List of people living in Tusheti villages and historical monuments of Chigho and Dartlo. folk tales. Notebook 3 1930-1936 83
1753 Bochoridze Giorgi son of Tadeozi 151 Tushetian poems and shairis 1930-1936 11
1753 Bochoridze Giorgi son of Tadeozi 153 Tushetian poems, spoken by different people, recorded by G. Bochoridze. Notebook 1 1930-1936 108
1753 Bochoridze Giorgi son of Tadeozi 154 Explanation of Tushetian words, proverbs, list of elderly people of Tusheti, rules of folk treatment, celebration days and officials of the celebration days 1930-1936 100
1806 Gabriel Kikodze\'s personal foundation 1 33 Poem by Ilia Peradze, memories of Razhden Khundadze, Isidore Sheqriladze, Lavrenti Tskitishvili, Ilia Tsereteli and others about Gabriel Kikodze 1903 51
1813 Tedo Zhordania 1 280 Georgian folk poems recorded by G. Zhordania Undated 5
1813 Tedo Zhordania 281 Georgian funny expressions Undated 4
1813 Tedo Zhordania 282 Definition of some Georgian words. black. Undated 3
1813 Tedo Zhordania 283 Georgian folk tale about the creation of the world. Recorded by V.I. Khotelashvili in Shashiani village 25.08.1913 45
1813 Tedo Zhordania 284 Georgian folk poems and proverbs recorded by different people Undated 5
1813 Tedo Zhordania 307 Newspaper article - \"A few more words about collecting and studying folk songs\" and others. /The name of the newspaper is not visible/ Undated 1
1813 Tedo Zhordania 310 Giorgi Zhordania\'s correspondence with Meliton Balanchivadze 26.01.1934 2
1813 Tedo Zhordania 333 Giorgi Zhordania\'s correspondence with Zakaria Paliashvili, 4 letters 20.10-10.12. 1932
1813 Tedo Zhordania 400 List of musical works of composer Kote Potskhverashvili Dec-27 3
1813 Tedo Zhordania 401 Notes of Z. Paliashvili and N. Sulkhanishvili\'s choral works. Manuscript Undated 20
1813 Tedo Zhordania 402 Lecture \"About the ancient deities of the Georgian people\". The author is not visible. Manuscript Undated
2094 Society of Georgian culture lovers 1 32 The report read by G. Zhordania \"Wedding customs of Kartli\" at the meeting of the society. Manuscript 4.4.1915 11
2094 Society of Georgian culture lovers 33 The report read by G. Zhordania \"People\'s Law in Kartli\" at the meeting of the society Manuscript 18.4.1915 5
2094 Society of Georgian culture lovers 38 Report of Vazha-Pshavela evening organized by Kharpukh Council of Mamasakhlisi 21.12-16.12. 1915 3
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